When Our Lonely Places Become Sacred Spaces

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Welcome to the Overflow! Whether you’re an old friend or a new one, I’m glad you’re here. This is a place where faith is spilled and souls are filled. I hope you’ll make yourself at home and stay a while.  If you like what you find, feel free to sign up on the side bar to subscribe to my blog, and I’ll send a trickle of inspiration to your in-box now and then.

Better yet, we could meet face to face!  I’m scheduling speaking engagements for 2019 & 2020.  I’d be delighted to bring a message of encouragement to a ministry event near you. (If you’d like to know more, contact me at overflow@aliciabruxvoort.net)

Today I’m over at Proverbs 31 talking about a little girl, an empty bench, and the hidden gift of loneliness. If you haven’t had a chance to read it, you can find it here.  But before you go, I’d love to tell you about the day God used a humble friend and His holy word to help me look at loneliness in a whole new way…

I swallowed a lump of tears and tried to coax my lips into an upward turn.  I willed myself to focus on the sweet friend who sat across from me, and I tried to corral my wandering thoughts and listen as she told a laugh-out-loud story about her son’s first date. I giggled at all the right times and hoped she didn’t notice that the laughter didn’t reach my eyes.

I loved this friend. We’d been sharing unfiltered life for years. We’d walked together through the good, the bad, and the ugly moments of parenting and marriage, friendship and faith. We’d prayed one another through the throes of potty-training and the woes of driver’s training.  We’d celebrated victories and grieved disappointments, too.

But on that day in the coffee shop even the comfortable conversation of a dear friend couldn’t cut through the loneliness that shrouded my heart. In fact, the lilt of laughter and the knowing nods merely magnified the ache inside.

I wasn’t alone, but I’d never felt lonelier…

Not when I’d lived overseas and lacked the local language for connection. Not when I’d rocked babies through the midnight hours with only their wails and my weariness swelling in the night. Not when an unexpected move uprooted our family of seven and planted us hundreds of miles from the place we’d called home.

I was walking through a season of disappointment that even my closest friends couldn’t completely understand. I knew this painful part of my story would one day bear fruit. But I felt like I might wither away in discouragement before I saw the first bloom.

Those who knew me best weren’t oblivious to my struggle. They had welcomed my vulnerability and tried to walk alongside of me in love. But the truth was this–Sometimes loneliness cuts the deepest when no one can reach the wound.

My friends could hold my heart it in prayer, but they couldn’t heal it.  They could acknowledge my disappointment, but they couldn’t assuage it. They could listen to my frustration, but they couldn’t fix it.

So I tried to be grateful for their grace and they tried to be sensitive to my struggle; and some days my heart fared better than others.

But on that ordinary day in the coffee shop, God used my friend to offer an unexpected balm for my tattered soul.

When our coffee cups were drained, she wrapped her arms around my sagging shoulders. “I don’t know if this means anything to you,” she said with a gentle murmur, “but I feel like God wants me to tell you that Jesus knows the lonely places, too…”

I swatted a drizzle of tears that zig-zagged down my cheeks and thanked her for the poignant reminder. Then, I let my friend give me an extra squeeze before we parted ways.

That night when I settled into bed with my Bible, I opened the fifth chapter of Luke and read a timely echo of my friend’s Spirit-prompted words.

“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” (Luke 5:16)

I let that verse roll through my mind over and over again and thought about the meaning tucked into those nine words.

Jesus not only knew the lonely places, he chose them.

He didn’t run from the lonely places, He ran to them.

Because Jesus knew that in the desolate spaces, He wasn’t really alone. His Father was always there waiting.

I let that truth seep over me and, suddenly, I saw my own loneliness in a new light.

What if loneliness isn’t meant to drive us to the edge of haplessness but to push us to the center of Hope?

I wanted someone to step into my struggles and heal my pain, but God was inviting me to step into His presence and be held.

I longed for comfort from the friends around me, but God was offering consolation through His Spirit within me.

I wanted someone to listen to my hurt and understand, but God was inviting me to talk to Him and be understood.

Perhaps what looks like a lonely place to our eyes is merely a sacred space in disguise.

As I spoke the words of Luke 5:16 out loud, I closed my eyes and pictured Jesus.

“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”

I saw him there, in that lonely place he knew so well, his eyes lifted to Heaven, his heart reaching for His Father.

And in the quaking quiet of my bedroom, I shifted my gaze and did the same.

“Yet He transforms a dry, lonely desert into pools of living water, parched ground into lively springs.” (Psalm 107:35)

Thanks for spending a moment with us at The Overflow today. If you are in a season of loneliness, please know that you’re not alone. We are here to pray for you. Just leave a note in the comments or simply write, “I need prayer.”









  1. Tiffany Molanders says:

    Please pray on my behalf that I will know where the Lord is leading and that I will become more brave 🙂

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Dear Jesus, please help Tiffany listen for your direction and follow where you are leading. Infuse her feet with courage that comes from the Holy Spirit and make her aware of your presence so she can draw courage and strength from your nearness. Amen

  2. Please pray for my marriage. It’s hanging on by mere threads due to my husband’s infidelity. We are currently separated and working on reconciliation…but my heart hurts tremendously, and I’m struggling to know what God wants me to do – to continue pursuing the amends process, or end my marriage. We have 2 young kids, too. It’s all overwhelming, and I feel so alone in this sometimes. Thank you for your encouraging devotional. It’s so helpful to be reminded that Jesus hasn’t left my side — even during this heartbreaking time. ❤

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Ashlee, I am so sorry for your heartache. I am asking Jesus to be both your healer and comforter as you walk this hard and hurtful road in your marriage. May you be acutely aware of His nearness and His deep love for you. I am so grateful that James 1:5 says we can ask God for wisdom when we lack it– may you ask and receive the wisdom you need for every step in the days ahead.

  3. Please pray for me. I am truly so alone and I can’t get out of this pit. I have noone, no family. My dog, my best friend just died two weeks ago and I have noone now. All I can do cry, my heart is broken. Please God help me out of this pit. I don’t know if I can if I can continue on.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Dear Jesus, please meet Denise in her pain and loneliness and comfort her with your presence. Speak hope to her heart and give her YOUR strength each day. Surprise her with the joy that only you can give. Amen

  4. please pray for my marriage

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Samantha, I am praying right now for your marriage—asking Jesus to give you wisdom, strength, and hope today.

  5. I am so grateful for your Blog.
    It just appeared and was just what I needed at this very moment.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Thanks for taking a moment to let me know God used my scribbles to encourage you today:)

  6. Thank you in advance for your prayers.

  7. I am overwhelmed at a job I have held for 20 years (that has grown every year in to more and more duties) and waiting to hear about a promotion that is almost as scary.
    Praying for my sisters who are also finding our Abba in the lonely place!

  8. Kassandra says:

    Please i need prayer.
    God bless your blog & writings

  9. I know He is working upstream, but I feel stuck in my job and need out, I’m lonely and sad and need to feel His presence.

    1. be encouraged your not alone im in the same boat remember God had a plan for your life and mine.

  10. I feel alone and depressed even though Im surrounded by people. This devotion was EXACTLY what I needed to read. I truly believe God sent this to me today to read. Thank you ❤️

  11. I am recently divorced and suffering from being alone and feeling very isolated. My mind perplexed by doubts, regrets, and fears.

  12. I need prayer. ❤️

  13. Please pray for me.. I am in a season of loneliness and isolation. Please pray that I can trust and feel the Lord’s presence with me. Thank you!

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