The Secret to Seventeen Wedded Years


This weekend marked seventeen years of marriage to my best friend and lover.  One glance at the twenty-year-olds in our wedding pictures (me with my poofy spiral hair and Rob with hair!) underscores the undeniable truth: our marriage is an amazing gift of grace. Because of the Lord’s faithfulness, two starry-eyed kids have been changed into ONE. To God be the Glory!

I wrote a simple poem for our wedding day many years ago, but today, more than ever, I recognize that the Guest of Honor has been the secret to our seventeen years of joy.

The Guest of Honor


The church was laced with flowers;
The bride was dressed in white.
The groom’s smile glistened
In the soft gold candlelight.
And as the couple at the altar
Sparked the flame of unity,
No one noticed that the candle
Was lit not by two, but three.
For standing between the dreamy pair
With silent sovereignty
Was a man whose gentle hands
Bore scars from Calvary.
When the wedding vows were spoken
With conviction from each heart,
The man smiled at the love
That he had nurtured from its start.
Then placing His arms around
The buoyant groom and bride,
The unseen Guest made a pledge
To walk always by their side.
He pleaded with His Father
To bless all their tomorrows,
To fill each day with joy
And faith to meet life’s sorrows.
Though no earthly eye had seen
The presence of the Son,
As the ceremony closed,
Three hearts were joined as one.
And when the pastor proudly proclaimed
The lovers as man and wife,
The unseen Guest of Honor
Became the center of their life.

-Alicia Bruxvoort, 1992


Today’s Overflow:  “In Him all things hold together.”
                                                                  –Colossians 1:17



  1. how come you didn’t post a wedding picture?! I’d love to look back to that day and see Rob’s hair and your big hair 🙂

  2. Alycia Morales says:

    That’s a wonderful poem, Alicia! What a testimony of your love for each other and God’s place in your lives.
    PS ~ You got married the year I graduated from high school. 😉

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