The Overflow #1

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For those of you who have just dropped by, I’m digging for treasure in God’s Word this month.  Matthew 6:33 promises, Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  I think that “all these things” includes the treasures I’m seeking in the diaper pail –the jewels of joy, nuggets of wisdom and pearls of peace–but before I seek the gems, I must seek the Giver of good gifts (James 1:17).  I’d be honored if you’d join me!   

Confessions of a Dehydrated Parent

It was one of those parenting moments that begged a do-over. My preschooler had challenged my authority all morning; finally our conflict had come to a head. We exchanged verbal darts like playground rivals; then I fell speechless.  How had I, the “mature mother” managed to tangle with a cranky four-year-old?
I was still brooding when Luke launched his final verbal bullet.

Mustering every last shred of my composure, I told my son to go to his room while I contemplated a consequence. Luke stomped down the hallway. “I bet you didn’t spend time with Jesus this morning,” he accused as he glanced over his shoulder with disdain. “You’re nicer when you do!”

While my firstborn no longer wields the weapons of preschool warfare, I still marvel at the truth in his cutting remark. I may think I can disguise my dehydrated soul, but my children recognize emptiness.
As my preschooler so candidly communicated, the time I spend with Jesus does change me. When I parent from the overflow of my relationship with the Living Word (John 1:1), my children see splashes of authentic faith. As the Holy Spirit fills me through the Word of God, I am “nicer”–to put it in plain preschool lingo.  I am filled with more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control (Galatians 5:22) than I could ever produce on my own.

I may not have all the right answers nor model the perfect response to each parenting dilemma that comes my way, but if I consistently seek God first, I WILL become more like Jesus. God’s Word promises that!  “And all of us… [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image…”(2 Corinthians 3:18a, Amplified Bible). This month, as we seek first, let’s delight in a God who loves us too much to leave us as we are.

Speaking of “overflow,” why not invite your children to explore God’s truth with you.  The activity listed below is a great way to start!

Today’s TreasureThose who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them…   -Jesus, John 4:13

The Overflow!  Marvelously Made

Objective: To teach children that they are created by God and considered His masterpiece!

Materials: Bible, crafting materials and glue/tape or age appropriate building blocks

Option #1: Gather an assortment of “creative junk”- toilet paper rolls, cardboard boxes, paper, buttons, plastic containers, string, etc. (Just plumage your recycle bin and you’ll have plenty to work with), glue and a variety of tape.

Option #2: Building blocks of some kind- wooden blocks, legos, etc.

The Lesson:

Option #1– Give each family member a box full of “junk” and set the glue/tape on the table. Set a time limit of 10- 15 minutes and let each person know that their job is to use the junk to create something that has purpose.

Option #2- Give each family member a box full of blocks to work with. Set a time limit of 10- 15 minutes and let each person know that their job is to build something with the blocks.
When the allotted time is up, take turns sharing the creations. Listen as each family member explains what the creation is and what its purpose might be. As parents, make sure you compliment each idea and each creation. Then read Psalm 139: 13-16. Remind your children that they are God’s special creation. Each of us is different, just like the “masterpieces” we created tonight are different, but each of us is marvelous in God’s sight.
Ask these questions:

*What do you like about your creation? How do you think God feels about you, His special creation? (Look up Genesis 1:31).

*How might we know the creation was made by you? In other words, how does what you made reflect the creator? (An invention might show a creative mind, a piece of artwork might show an appreciation for beauty, etc.) Did you know that we are a reflection of our Creator? (Look up Genesis 1:27). What reflection of God might people see in us?

*When God thought you up, He had a great idea! God didn’t want to make us all alike! He delighted in making us different. These creations are proof that we are different from each other. We think differently, we like different things, and we are gifted to do different things. Each of our creations has a different purpose. What does yours do? Why did you make it like you did? God has a reason for making us just as we are. (Look up Ephesians 2:10) Won’t it be fun to see how God uses each of us to do “good things planned for us long ago?”

*Let’s think about the people in our family. What is one thing you really like about the way God created _____? Take time to go around and declare something you like about each person’s design.

Let’s pray and thank Him for making us a masterpiece!


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