Digging For Treasure in the Diaper Pail

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Not long ago, a friend asked why I’d named my first blog “Digging for Treasure in the Diaper Pail.” Perhaps you already know the story. If not, feel free to picture the scene in living color and plug your nose as you giggle at God’s creative way of revealing an extraordinary truth to an ordinary mom like me.
I would not have been digging through mounds of dirty diapers if it hadn’t been Hannah’s birthday. Sometimes, a mom’s got to do what a mom’s got to do. Who would have guessed that as the birthday girl blew out a four-candled wish, her baby brother was re-arranging her gifts. Though most of the presents were strewn across the living room floor, one in particular was missing.

A trail of chocolate cake crumbs led me to the crime scene. The open lid of the diaper pail confirmed my hunch. The missing Polly Pocket doll was trapped in the diaper dungeon. As the birthday girl cried, I began the search. Fifteen stinky diapers later, I spotted a splash of pink between two discolored lumps of Pampers. My sticky-finger toddler clapped; his sister wiped her tears and I plugged my nose as I gave the rescued doll a bath.

While I lugged the load of unraveled dirty diapers to the garbage can, I marveled at the similarities between motherhood and my diaper pail adventure. The true treasures of motherhood are buried beneath dirty diapers, dirty dishes, and dirty laundry. At first glance, they may not shine and sparkle. But if I take time to unearth the ordinary moments of my day, I discover jewels of joy buried in the most unlikely places. Thanks to Polly Pocket, a pile of Pampers, and the Giver of all Gifts, I am learning that “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21).

Thanks for letting me pull out my treasures every week, polish them off, and share them with you. I hope that in the process, you’ve discovered a few jewels of your own.  I remember sitting at my first writer’s conference in North Carolina in 2006 and listening to authors rave about the “new trend” called blogging. I wondered how anyone found something worthwhile to write about every day.

Then last fall, when my writing landscape changed unexpectedly, God urged: “Start a blog.”
“What will I say? My life’s not even interesting. I spend my days changing diapers, Lord. Not changing the world.”
“I’ll give you the words to write.”
“How will I even hear you? My reality is one big cacophony of crying, whining, and shouting.”
“I’m in the diaper pail, too, Alicia. Just look, listen, and celebrate my presence.”
And so I have. And the blessing has been all mine.

Today’s Overflow: “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21).


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