You Don’t Get to Choose My Name!

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Welcome to the Overflow! Whether you’re an old friend or a new one, I’m glad you’re here. This is a place where faith is spilled and souls are filled. I hope you’ll linger for a while and be encouraged. If you like what you find here, don’t forget to sign up on the side bar to receive a trickle of inspiration in your in-box each month.

Of course, we can connect on Facebook or Twitter  too. Better yet, we could meet face to face!  I’m scheduling speaking engagements for the 2018-2019 school year, and I’d be delighted to bring a message of encouragement to a ministry event near you. (If you’d like to know more, you can contact me at

I’m over at Proverbs 31 today talking about a wide-eyed preschooler, a cute little name tag and the importance of remembering who we are. If you haven’t had a chance to read it, you can find it here. But before you go, I’d love to tell you about a powerful lesson I learned from a  little girl named Sparkling-Rose-Lovely-Mermaid-Princess…

I remember the day my young ones decided to play a game of “house” in the backyard with a handful of baby dolls and a head-full of imagination.  They concocted a storyline and began to build their “homes” with blankets in the grass.  They tucked baby dolls into beds made of leaves and stirred acorns into stew made of sand and rainwater. 

Soon, the topic of names emerged. 

“I want to be the teenage sister,” my second-grader announced as they figured out their roles in this game of make-believe. “My name will be Tabitha,” she said with a confident smile.

“I’ll be the big brother named David,” my six-year-old declared as he claimed the name of that brave little shepherd boy who slay a giant with a single stone.  David puffed out his little chest and stretched his shoulders tall.  “I’ll keep all the babies safe from the bad guys,” he promised with a solemn nod.

His big sister nodded approval and handed him a stick for “defending” their imaginary family.

Finally, my preschooler piped up. “I want to be called Sparkling-Rose-Lovely-Mermaid-Princess.”

Her siblings turned and stared at their littlest sister. 

“That’s doesn’t even sound like a real name,” her brother said. “How about we just call you Rose?”

“No!” the preschooler retorted with a stomp of her foot. “You can call me Sparkling-Rose-Lovely-Mermaid-Princess.”

Tabitha dropped to her knees and looked the littlest one in the eye. “That’s a fancy name,” she agreed. “But it’s kind of long…” She pointed to the baby dolls that lay tucked in the leaves behind them. “The babies won’t even be able to say that long, long name.”  She paused and then offered a compromise. “Why don’t we call you Sparkling Princess?”

“Or plain old Mermaid? ” David suggested while he swiped his stick-sword back and forth in the air. 

“No,” the four-year-old retorted. She pursed her pink lips into a definitive pout and shook her head of blond tangles from side to side.

There were murmurs and pleas; more suggestions and substitutions.

Until finally, Sparkling-Rose-Lovely-Mermaid-Princess planted her hands on her hips and raised her voice in four-year-old frustration. With one final stomp, she threw her hands in the air and hollered, “You don’t get to choose my name!”

Her siblings stepped back, shocked by the outburst, but humbled by the truth that had slipped from the littlest one’s lips.

My four-year-old’s spit-fire-declaration rang in my ears, and I thought of all the times I allow others to choose my name…

When I fall short, and I’m called a failure.

When I’m left out, and I’m declared unwanted.

When I’m misunderstood, and I’m deemed hopeless.

When I don’t succeed, and I’m pronounced a loser

When I’m broken, and I’m named useless.

I’ve been called many names that aren’t mine to claim. And I’m sure that you have, too.

But as children of God Almighty, we don’t live by the names we are called; we live as the named and the called.

God has called us out of darkness into glorious light. And He’s etched our name on the palm of His hand (Isaiah 49:16).

Sparkling-Rose-Lovely-Mermaid-Princess knew what she was talking about on that long ago day in the backyard.

Nobody gets to choose our name. Because the One who chose us first already has.

And when we tune our ears to His voice of Truth, we can hear it above the roar of the world and the din of the darkness–

The name God calls us with lavish love….


  Don’t be afraid, because I have saved you. I have called you by name, and you are MINE “- Isaiah 43:1, NCV

Today I’m delighted to be giving away a Dayspring coffee mug as a sweet reminder of whose you are.  If you’d like a chance to win this beautiful gift, just leave us a comment and tell us what God has done lately to make you feel LOVED.



  1. Dixie Jackson says:

    I’m encouraged by your God-given talent of storytelling. I thank God that you are using your gift to touch others for Him. We all need encouragement so we can shine a light in His name. Thank you for shining God’s Light by sharing your life stories with us!

  2. A couple of weeks ago I had to move to a new city because of my work. I lacked excitement to say the least. But it’s been soothing to the heart when God gave me surprises here and there I guess to ease my transition and has provided nice people to talk to in a strange city. On my arrival date, when I felt sad and unsure of what the future will bring, I looked up and saw a huge heart-shaped cloud. It was such a sweet moment, and I am sure it was God revealing His love and presence while I felt all alone and ‘lost’ in reality of circumstances.

  3. Monica A. says:

    These past couple of months have been the hardest in my life, but I am so blessed with a husband that loves me and 3 sweet boys, and I know that God loves me too.

  4. I love this, God has been so Faithful. I am a single, widowed Mother of an almost 10 year old. He allowed me to raise my son without living in fear. So, i try to be faithful back and through prayer and new friendships I try to raise my son the best way possible by God’s rules. I’m so thankful my son lives Jesus as much as I do.

  5. Well I can just say the enemy won’t win! he often tries to make me feel unloved by God but thanks to Jesus He says commit yourself to me and resist satan and he will flee! And having read your devotion makes me see how much JESUS loves me!

  6. you have no idea how much I have needed THIS message.

  7. I was feeling a bit blue recently as a meeting with a loved one didn’t look like it would pan out. I just wanted a snippet of time together but finally resigned myself to the fact that it wasn’t going to happen. It ended up working out at the last minute and I was gifted with a Christian CD “God told me to give it to you” that blessed me immensely on the long drive home. It made me listen to HIM as I so often forget to do. God is good.

  8. Shari Felten says:

    Last year I had to place both my parents and one of my brothers in a nursing home in another state, and then my husband, sister & youngest brother had to clear out their house, because they didn’t own it & we were paying the rent ourselves until we did. My dad has dementia, my brother was a TBI patient from a car accident 7 years ago, and my mother wore herself out trying to care for them both. I got help for them as Mom would allow me to, but it took it’s toll. Last year was really hard, but once I started the process of applying for medicaid & then finding a place for them to go where they could all be together, God paved the way. I am a nurse, but luckily, have not had to hold down a job because I have had my hands full caring for them from afar. We were just down there for 3 days & I am utterly worn out, but God gave me the strength to do what they needed & I left them knowing that it was effort well spent.

  9. Marie Sober says:

    I’ve been told so many negative things about myself, I’ve ingrained them and live them. the only time I feel like God is there for me is during my morning walks IF I remember to open my eyes to the beauty of the world around me…..

  10. Noreen D Perrone says:

    I am always cutting myself down, and I see that it is pride. God doesn’t want me to do that. He loves me the way I am. He also loves who I will be as God changes me. Knowing He loves me now makes it so I don’t cut myself down. God is so good!

  11. A month ago I quit my job. I had been there for 10 1/2 years. I prayed and kept hearing the Lord say it’s time to move on. Reluctant, to say the least, I turned in my notice. I automatically assumed I’d find another job and everything would be right in my world. As I prayed for guidance everyone around me mentioned school. That was a big no from me. My youngest is a senior in high school, I can’t go to school. Then I’m reminded it doesn’t matter what stage I’m in throughout this journey, He’s always with me. And if He called me to do it,He will see me through it.

  12. God reminds me of his love daily. When going through difficult times, it seems like I see the right scripture or encouragement at just the right time.

  13. joanna kearns says:

    God has given me lifesaving encouragement and the strength to endure severe undeserved difficulty that continues to last year’s later against my will.

  14. Delores McPherson says:

    Thank you for this precious reminder of God’s great love. I have experienced many answered prayers lately. Yesterday as I prayed protection over my children in South Carolina. I called on God to quiet the storm. The storm was downgraded from a cat 4 to a cat 2. Praise His Holy name. What a sweet reminder to me of His sovereignty.Then again this morning as I typed a prayer for a friend’s preschooler who had a stomach bug. In just minutes she was posting that the child was able to keep down some pedialyte. Our God is God of the small storms as well as the large. His presence is ever with us. My prayer is that we would all understand how deep, how wide, how high His all consuming love is. Consume us Oh Lord, that we might shine forth Your glory that all the world would know that You are God!

  15. This post meant so much to me. It came as a forward from a dear friend. Like an email hug from the Lord Himself, reminding me and renewing me in who I truly am in HIM.

  16. I’ve been feeling loved lately because of our air finally being clear. My mom and I both have asthma and with all the fires in the West the last few years, we’ve had to spend whole summers indoors with the windows and doors shut and taped up to keep the thick smoke out. This summer was starting the same way and I was so frustrated at the prospect of another summer literally locked in my house and unable to leave. We did have some bad days, but the last few weeks the jet stream has shifted (or something) and we’re not being smothered by the results of people’s careless or evil acts more than a thousand miles away. Every time I step outside or open a window I marvel at the brilliantly blue sky and thank God for his mercy that I can breathe again today. It has really felt like a direct and loving gift from God.

  17. This year marks the first year that all four of my babies are in school – K, 2nd, 6th, and 8th. I have been struggling with depression for some time now. God has given me the wonderful gift of a loving, godly mother-in-law. She took me to breakfast this past Monday and reminded me to use this time as a gift to spend more time with the Lord, reading, journaling, and listening. It’s too easy to forget where true strength comes from. Apart from Him, I can do nothing. Your stories bring hope and encouragement to my spirit. Thank you for letting His light shine through you.

  18. I feel loved by God because he is always there for me. We have been going through some difficult times but God comes through every day and brings me encouragement in some way I never expected!!

  19. This is a truth that I’m trying to move from my head to my heart. I’ve been singing “Jesus loves me” since I was 3, and yet this truth has not made it to the depths of my heart. I’m now making a concerted effort to listen to music, read His word, and be really conscious to let the messages of truth in, and to fight the enemy who wants anything but for us to believe that we are His daughters – sealed in Him.

  20. currently in the middle of a desert and not seeing any break ahead; not knowing where we belong or fit in anymore and desparately wanting more; thank you for the reminder of who we belong to and who has called us; definitely encouragement I needed.

  21. Ericka Tingley says:

    I am so blessed to have read this today! I have gone through a few rough years with my oldest daughter and am learning that they can stay and make their own choices but that doesn’t declare who we are as parents. I am blessed to know that I am a child of God and loved dearly!

  22. Oh this is God’s timing for sure today, yesterday my 11 year old made a big mistake and I admit I didn’t handle it perfectly. As I tried to “encourage” her to apologize and move forward she started sliding down into such negative self talk and nothing I could say would stop her. I stepped away because my arguing seemed to make it worse but I knew we needed to talk today i needed these words so i can give them to her. Thank you!

  23. Though my mother and father forsake me,the Lord will receive me.

    Last week,I went on a walk in Homer,Alaska and felt unloved,because my parents,family members, and friends rejected,betrayed,and humiliated me so I left my hometown.

    On my walk I glanced down and a particular shell caught my eye. I picked it up and with an awe of surprise I realized it was a perfect tiny heart! God spoke to my spirit saying,”I love you with an everlasting love and I will never leave you.”

  24. Thank you for your words of affirmation on our identity in Christ. I love the story of your little girl and her name tag-‘I guess my teacher doesn’t want me to forget who I am!’ Those words hit my heart like a gushing fountain of love! And your life lesson on how God has called us by name and Ransomed us! Thank you so much. I desperately needed to hear this message!

  25. “Don’t be afraid, because I have saved you. I have called you by name, and you are MINE “- Isaiah 43:1, NCV
    Beautiful encouragement today. Thank you Lord for saving me. Thank you for calling my name. I am HIS! Amen!

  26. I love reading your devotions, Alicia!

    I was recently evicted from a home I lived in for forty one years. A week before the eviction. date the new owner decided he’d have my unregistered vehicle (that was in a car accident that rendered me disabled) towed from his property. I’ve been driving a motorized mobility scooter and this will not work in winter with snow.)
    It’s about 115.00 tow charge And 30 dollars a day storage fee. This was going to be impossible for me. But not for God.
    As I’m packing up the uhaul truck…destination unknown, my neighbor whose cat I love so much walked by and asked me what happened etc… I told him, he said call the towing company, find out what this all costs and the repairs, I am taking care of this.

    The cost is a little over 2000.00!



    I’ve only spoken with this nice man a few times and played with his cat and give him treats every day.

    I’m grateful beyond any words I can convey.
    It’s not about the house, the car, the money but to me how God used an almost stranger really
    to show me that just because you think that you have no-one in this world, you have ME, and I will provide for you.

    1. P.S. Funny thing about the title of this blog is before I knew who owned this cat I named him Gracie! 😉

      His name is Slake.

  27. Yesterday the love flowed here in my house! Four of my grands came over to play. My 9 year old, Elly, tells her mom ( my daughter) “I wish we lived in grandmas neighborhood, then I could just walk to her house whenever I wanted!” My heart burst! Knowing that this child wants to come see me, “whenever she wants” just made my day! I am loved.

  28. God continues to remind me daily and in many moments throughout the day that I am His and his love surrounds me and supports me. My bedrock – He SAYS I am His!

  29. How precious is this reminder that no matter what comes my way, or what Satan may try to defeat me by trying to label me with a name, I’m a Child of God! Loved and forgiven. God’s grace gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by. Thank you for this special message today!

  30. I feel loved by God because he continues to show up in my life. When I feel like I can’t go on because of life’s usual stresses (finances, house repairs, teen age drama, school struggles, college applications, health worries), God somehow keeps me going. I’m able to see the blessings He has given us and I’m able to have hope for the future.

  31. Julie Woodman says:

    This past week has been difficult for me. But God sent me messages of His grace. Everywhere I turned I read and saw His grace. He is so good!

  32. My Heavenly Father makes me feel lavished in His love so often. I have two sons whom I home educate, and we had a day this week that was really tough. Emotions were running high with nothing going the way I had planned. As I became frustrated over what we were not accomplishing, my young 6-year-old lovingly hugged me tight and whispered, “I’m so glad you’re my mom.” My older son, who had been overwhelmed with an assignment, wrapped his arms around me tightly and echoed the same sentiments of his younger brother to me. I was humbled that these two boys whom I love so much forgive me so easily and make me feel like the best mom on the planet. They accept my faults and insecurities about myself and simply love me. I’m overwhelmed that God is quick to forgive me when I confess those faults and insecurities to Him. He picks me up, brushes me off, and says, “Ok daughter, keep going and try again.” I am so inspired by your writing, Alicia. Your words simply come to life as I read them. Thank you.

  33. Heather Johnson says:

    My whole life I’ve carried a list of names in my head. From early years, The enemy tried to rename me over and over. I was Mistake, Ashamed, Unlovable, Adulteress, Broken, Unworthy, Failure, Incapable, just to name a few. But Father would always remind me, in the midst of my identity crisis, that I am His Beloved, Worthy, Capable, Loved and most importantly, Forgiven! When He sees me, He doesn’t see failures and sin, He sees His Son! My shame is gone! I am His Beloved! 🙌🏻

  34. How many times have I wanted to change my name. To not be who I’ve been made to feel And in turn owned that feeling. Different, less than, dumb, burden, not enough, weak. As I write these I am reminded of all the things my dad has said, all the ways he’s made me feel. And all the times I wished I wasn’t me. Such a good reminder.

  35. I hopped on here from P31. I love how you take stories happening in your everyday life and find God in them. You are a gifted storyteller and writer and I expect your daughter will be one too!

  36. Sometimes feeling loved is a challenge… When I fall short of my expectations for me, knowing full well God’s expectations are even higher than mine…. Or are they, I wonder?
    I feel loved by God when a “perfectly” timed text message pops up on my phone or a card arrives in my mailbox from a friend whom He has blessed my life with.
    When I’m not feeling so loved/lovable siting down to write a note or taking time to send a text with words of encouragement help me love on others, treasuring my beautiful family and friends, giving thanks for them in my life resets me.
    Thank you for this morning’s devotion that brightened today for me!!

  37. Wendy snipes says:

    I’m going through a difficult season and everyday He gives me encouragement through His word, through devotions and Facebook posts, through music. He is so good to me.

  38. I have been going thru some difficult times. Illness, job loss and hate crimes committed by several neighbors. Keep reminding myself to remain focused on God.
    Because I’m being bullied doesn’t mean that I’m not a child of God. I am!
    And God reminds me of that fact every day!

  39. I battle with sin everyday since our marriage and still the Lord is right there. Loving us guiding us sending Angels to tend to us. Even my husband forgives and loves me dearly. God has never left me and I am now reminded by your encouragement for today that I am HIS x

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