Why You Might Feel Crabby on Thanksgiving Day…

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Overheard in the Bruxvoort van yesterday…

Josh, looking out the window at a big green tractor in the field- 

“I am so THANKFUL for tractors, aren’t you, Maggie?”

Maggie with a scowl, “No!”

Josh, undeterred. “Well, what are YOU thankful for, Mags?”

Maggie, crossing her arms over her chest in a harrumph,

Josh, cocking his head and staring at his little sister with genuine concern. “But, Maggie, you HAVE TO BE THANKFUL for something.”

Maggie shakes her head in a dramatic “no” and stares down her brother.

“How about dancing shoes- are you thankful for dancing shoes?” Josh asks.


“How about baby dolls?”


Josh stares out the window again. “How about sunshine, Mags? Are you thankful for the sun? It would be REALLY COLD without it…”

Maggie shields her eyes like a drama queen. “No.”

Josh sighs and looks at his grumpy sister.

“Well, how about JESUS? Aren’t you at least thankful for Jesus?”

Maggie is silent.

“Mags!” Josh explodes, “You’ve GOT to be thankful for JESUS! He died on the cross for you.”

Maggie looks at the ground and refuses to respond.

Josh shakes his head in pity and then mutters, “Well, no wonder you’re so crabby!

Happy Thanksgiving, dear friends. 

On this day when we count our blessings, you are at the top of my list. Thank you for making this space a beautiful place of encouragement and grace. 

You keep me chasing Jesus, and He chases the crabbies away!

So, even if the turkey burns or the mashed potatoes are lumpy; even if Uncle Joe tells the same stories over and over again and your kids fight in the backseat on the way to Grandma’s– may the One who died on the cross be your joy today!

The Overflow: Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. -I Chronicles 16:8





  1. Catching up here. Lovely posts, friend. I hate what Christmas has become and I love every post that leads people to something deeper and more glorifying to Him. Thank you!

  2. Such sweetness. It reminds me of the mornings before school when my middle/high schoolers would be crabby or mad at each other, when we would go to prayer, the heart would soften and the enemy would lose.

    What a sweet leader you have there! 🙂

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