When Your Words Fail

“I don’t know what to say anymore,” my daughter whispered as she stared at the text message she’d just received.
The phone in her hand trembled and she looked at me through a haze of tears. Then she sunk onto the couch with a jagged sigh and surrendered to the sadness.
I sat down beside her and wrapped my arms around her quivering shoulders as she wept. The situation she was navigating was perplexing and complicated. There were no swift answers to fix it, no formula to make it disappear.
My heart ached for my teen and for her hurting friend. The text necessitated a response, but my girl had nothing left to say. She was depleted Discouraged. And so very, very tired.
We sat there together until her steady stream of tears slowed to a quiet drizzle. Then, when she finally lifted her head, I gave her a subtle smile and pointed to the phone in her hand. “I’ll help you find the words,” I offered.
She straightened her shoulders. “Ok,” she said with a nod.
I closed my eyes and prayed for wisdom. “Perhaps you could say…”
We huddled over her phone, and word by word, I helped her string together sentences. As we finished, I could see her hope rising and her confidence returning.
I certainly don’t help my teen write every text she sends. She’s an expressive young woman who consistently communicates with thoughtfulness and wisdom, authenticity and truth. She can think for herself, and she is blazing her own trail.
But sometimes, we need someone to help us find the words our ache has swallowed. We need a voice that express what our overwhelmed hearts cannot.
That’s why I’m so grateful God’s voice is available to us through the scriptures. I’m glad the Bible isn’t just a list of rules or a series of suggestions; it’s the very breath of God wrapped in syllables and sentences. It’s His wisdom parceled on the page for our taking; His heart revealed through language and lyrics, stories and scribbles.
So, when the whimpers of my fatigue are louder than the wails of my faith, I open my Bible and I borrow God’s words instead of trying to contrive my own.
When I’m weary or complacent, confused or unsure, I let God’s voice proclaim what I can’t articulate.
When the situation before me is stifling the hope within me, I turn God’s promises into my humble petitions.
When I don’t know what to say and don’t know how to pray, I pause and recall the way my daughter let me come to her aid as her words winnowed and her sadness soared. And I remember my Heavenly Father longs to do the same for His children, too.
So, next time disappointment steals your breath or exhaustion clutters your clarity; grab your Bible and sidle up to the One who is with you and for you.
Linger in His promises. Listen to His wisdom. Cling to His truth.
Then let the scripture you hold in your hands sink deep into the soil of heart.
As you read your Bible, invite the Living Word to give you a timely word. Ask the Holy Spirit to highlight a verse or phrase, a truth or an idea that God is speaking into your current circumstance.
Then turn God’s words into your personal prayers. Scribble them in a notebook. Sing them in a song. Post them on your mirror. Text them to yourself (and maybe to a friend, too!) But whatever you do, let the words God gives you stir your hope and strengthen your confidence.
Because we’re not alone in our aching. And the wondrous truth is this— our words may falter or fail, but God’s Word never will Isaiah (40:8).
Thanks for spending time here today! I hope you’ll be encouraged as you linger in this place. If it’s your first time visiting, leave me a note in the comments and introduce yourself. And if you’re an old friend, welcome back! I’d love to hear from you, too. Tell me what the best part of your summer has been so far or let me know how I can pray for you.
You can also find more encouragement at Proverbs 31. Today, I’m there sharing a devotion about the day I tried to tally my exhaustion and how I learned to hang onto God’s Word when I was hanging by a thread.
Until next time—
Hello, everyone, want to thank Alicia for the wonderful devotion and the comments I have read. I need Godly women in my life, especially right now. I am sole caretaker for my mom, I was diagnosed last year with Addison’s, and my husband of 38 wonderful years, just had surgery. I read Ephesians 3 as scripture this AM. I found verses 17-19 to be very comforting. For all my sister’s in Christ know I pray for you and please pray for me.
Thank you for taking time to connect with us here. I am praying for you right now—asking Jesus to be your strength and your sustainer as you care for your mom, asking Him to heal your husband and to encourage you with His presence and His love in the ordinary moments of your days. I often turn Eph 3:17-19 into my daily prayer. I especially love the wording in the Message paraphrase. I’m praying this over you today—“My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.”
Your heart felt, timely prayer is embraced by me right now. I am grateful for your blog, this prayer and scriptures noted on this page. Thank you and best of the season and God’s will and love to you. Happy New Year
Hi Alicia,
Thank you for another good word! I’m struggling with how to come alongside my niece like your daughter. A couple of weeks ago her husband and his best friend were in a car accident. Her husband is going to be fine but his friend passed after several days. It’s hard for her to see God’s plan in this, as it is for all of us. She is a believer, but her husband is not. Thank you for your download, I think I will send her Proverbs 3:5; trust, don’t try to understand.
By the way I know your brother-in-law Jim, from when they lived in Ames.
Shaurice, I am so sorry to hear of your niece’s heartache, and the deep loss her husband has experienced. I am praying for you all—specifically asking Jesus to give you wisdom as you walk alongside your niece.
Hello Alicia, I am Sharon. Thank you for uplifting my soul. I trust that God will continue to bless and keep you to be a tool for his service.
Hi, Sharon! Thanks for taking time to introduce yourself! I’m so glad our paths crossed here.
Hi! I broke my foot on June 6th. I am having to wear a boot until at least July 19th. I also have MS. The break in my foot has caused my MS to flare up. I really enjoyed your devotion. I know the Lord is near all the time!
Penni, I’m so sorry to hear about your broken foot and the MS flare up you’re battling. Doing daily life in a boot is exhausting! (Two of my kids had injuries that put them in boots this spring, so I’ve seen that challenge up close recently). I am praying for a heightened awareness of Jesus’ presence in the days ahead–asking Him to speak HOPE through His word and encourage you in personal and meaningful ways. Thanks for taking time to connect.
Hello, I’m Mary from Mobile, AL! This has been uplifting & sweet! I appreciate what you are doing!♥️
Hi, Mary! It’s so nice to “meet you.” I’m glad you’ve found encouragement here. Thanks for taking time to connect. I hope you’ll come back soon.
Thank you for your encouraging words! I thank God for women like you (writers) that pour yourself out as an offering to give encouragement to others.
Hi, Regina! I’m grateful for this community of women–like you– who are seeking Jesus together! Thanks for taking a moment to connect 🙂
Hello, Alicia,
I have schizophrenia, depression, anxiety and panic attacks. I have hallucinations. In 2008, I was baptized. I am currently the volunteer secretary for our small church, the Watsonville Christian Church in Watsonville, CA. I would like prayer for good deep sleep, healing if my mental illness and a thirst for God’s Holy Word. It is hard for me to memorize scripture. I appreciate the downloads you make available for people. Thank you so very much! God bless you and your family!
watcc.org is our church website.
Josie, thank you for sharing a sliver of your story. I am echoing your prayer for deep sleep, healing, and a thirst for God’s word. I struggle to memorize scripture, too. I often write out verses on notecards and carry them around with me throughout my day and just read them over and over as I go. I may not be formally memorizing those verses, but I am letting them sink deep into my heart and then the Spirit can “pull them out” for me when I need them most. I think just getting to know Jesus better through His word is an amazing gift! I’m praying you’ll continue to encounter Him in personal and meaningful ways as you encounter Him in His word. Many blessings to you!