The Non-Letter

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“Do NOT write me any letters this year,” my firstborn warned as his long-awaited week at church camp drew near.

No kissing hands for this child! Five years of crazy camp culture had already taught him the paradoxical nature of camp mail. Though notes from home may make a camper feel special, the happiness a letter delivers is tempered by the embarrassment one must go through to receive the coveted correspondence. Dancing with counselors, crawling on all fours or rapping like a rock star may secure a note from home, but will also ensure a limelight moment of mortification. 
This year, my near-teenager decided the humiliation wasn’t worth the prize. 

“Don’t tell ANYONE I’m at camp,” Luke warned as he packed his duffel bag and reminded me of the lip-stick smudged letters his ornery cousins had sent him last year.

“I had to kiss a TREE because of those…” he reminisced with a moan.
“And make sure Grandma knows I DON’T want any letters. Not even one!” my camper reminded me as he rolled up his sleeping bag.
“Okay, okay,” I said with a mock pout. “We’ll be sure NOT to miss you and we certainly won’t let you know if we do!”

My son flashed me a satisfied smile and re-checked his packing list.
Three days later, I stopped by the post office with a teeny-tiny package. Okay, a shoe-box sized package. But it was NOT a letter. I wrote that bold declaration in brazen orange Sharpie all over the box before I dropped it in the mail. This is NOT a letter! This is NOT a letter! This is NOT a letter! 
I paid the postal clerk for the priority rate and prayed that my firstborn would receive the “non-letter” with a grand sense of humor, or at least that he would forgive me when he opened the box. 
Tucked inside was a bundle of his favorite sweets and a simple note of explanation:

Dear Luke, 

THIS IS NOT A LETTER!  It is a simple, sweet candy-o-gram.
We just wanted to say that we hope you haven’t had to eat any worms. 
And we hope you’ve had little “BITZ” of victory. 
If your team happens to be the“Duds,take heart because even “Nerds” and “Air Heads”are loved by God. 
We hope you are surviving all the crazy fun at camp! 
Maybe you had to do peanut butter and JELLYto get this thing that’s NOT A LETTER, but we hope you didn’t have to do a BELLYdance to convince the counselors to hand it over!
See you Soon  if you survive (and we hope you do!)
Lots of Love,
Your CHEESYfamily 🙂
I chuckled to myself all the way home, but as I neared the driveway I had a sobering thought. How many times had I sent the Lord a non-letter as well?
Dear God, 
This is not a sin! 
I know that SOUNDS like gossip, but it’s really just a prayer request.
I know I APPEAR to be critical, but I’m just trying to help my husband grow.
I know my actions SEEM a bit meddlesome, but I’m just sharing my expertise.
I know this LOOKS like disobedience, but I’m just trying out my plan first.
I know I SOUND like I’m lacking faith, but I’m really just being practical.

I know YOU created me to  THRIVE,  but I’m just trying to SURVIVE day by day. 

Your Daughter,

How many messages have I boxed in lukewarm zeal and sealed with irreverence?  Scripts sent from a divided heart. And with each non-letter I send, the Lord replies: “I created you to be a LIVING LETTER that points to Me! Will you set down that orange Sharpie and just let me script MY WORDS on your heart?”

The Overflow:  I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against You. -Psalm 119:11


  1. Anonymous says:

    This is priceless! Love it you crazy, crazy mom!

  2. oops, sorry! that above comment is mine. Still a bit technology challenged. – Rachel Allord

  3. Ahh, yes.. the follow up. Luke had an AMAZING time at camp and came home ready to go back the very next day (too bad he has to wait a whole year yet). God was real and powerful in those five days. He just smirked when I asked him if he’d received any non-letters and he thanked me for the HUGE dose of sugar. (Guess that’s the way to a teen’s heart!). He did confess that he had to do the cha-cha with a “really nice” female counselor to earn his package.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Good post, Friend! I’ll be curious to hear the follow up!

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