The Lollipop Tree

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We planted a lollipop tree on a warm sunny day in April.  Joshua drove his gator packed with tools to a dirt patch near our deck. Hannah scooped a small hole, and the two buried a sugary green lollipop top beneath the dark spring earth. 

Then we waited…

The winsome tree began with a simple question. The little ones had dug the tiny black seeds from an apple’s core. As they plunked the seeds hopefully in the dirt, I asked:
“What will grow from those seeds?”

“I dunno,” Josh replied squishing dirt clods between his fingers.  “Maybe carrots?”
“JO-OSH,” Hannah drawled. “If you plant an apple seed, you’re gonna grow APPLES!”
“Oh,” my three-year old responded. His furrowed brow told me his mental wheels were turning. Then, as the concept clicked, Josh said excitedly, “I want to plant lollipops!”

“If you plant a lollipop do you think you’ll grow carrots?” I asked with a grin.

Joshua thought for a moment. “Let’s try it out!” he suggested.

So, we cut the white stem off of a dum-dum and I thanked the Lord for a fun way to teach a simple Biblical truth.

“Hey, buddy,” I said to my little farm boy as we talked about our lollipop plan.  “Did you know that Jesus has something to say about planting things?”

Joshua peered out from under the brim of his green John Deer hat.

“Jesus says that what we plant, we will also harvest.  So, if you plant an apple tree, you’re going to harvest apples someday. AND if you plant kindness, you will grow kindness and then THAT’S what you’ll harvest, too.”

That three-year-old brow wrinkled up again as my preschooler pondered his mom’s words.  I prodded a bit more, “So if you plant angry words, what do you think you’ll get?”

Josh looked at me and then whispered, “A Mad Brother.” Ahh.. we were gaining ground!

“Yup,” I agreed. “But if you plant hugs what will you harvest?”

Joshua threw his soft arms around my middle in response. 

I’m pretty sure that when Jesus said, “Let the children come to me,” it was because He knew that planting the seeds of truth in little hearts has potential for GREAT HARVEST!
You won’t believe it, but A few days ago, that lollipop tree BLOOMED while Joshua visited his grandma’s house.  The whole family applauded with delight, and after supper, we plucked dessert right from the branches of our special tree. Then, I challenged the kids with these words:  Each time you lick a lollipop, remember that you will reap what you sow.”
As Joshua licked his lollipop, he asked, “What kind of tree are we gonna plant next, Mom?”
Hannah’s response: “Dad REALLY likes M and M’s!”
Today’s Treasure:  Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. -Galatians 6:7

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