Set Mama Free!

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“Mommy! Mommy! HELP ME!” Joshua cried, feet planted firmly in the grassy clearing. We were right in the middle of a rowdy game of tree tag, and I was the only one left moving. Hannah, Lizzy and Josh all stood like statues in the White Witch’s castle while their big brother roamed (or I should say raced) about waiting to pounce on the last survivor.  I headed toward my toddler with every intent to “un-freeze” him, but before I could accomplish my goal, my firstborn jumped out from behind a tree. Faster than his wish-I-had-speed mama, Luke dashed across the grass and tagged me just as I was nearing his frozen brother. The game was at a standstill.

“Ohhhhh….” Lizzy moaned, “Now there’s no one left to set me free.”

I’ve been thinking this week about all the things from which I’ve been set free in Christ— free from death, free from sin, free from MYSELF, free from futility, free from hopelessness– the list brings me to my knees in gratitude.  Then there are the things from which I’m still trying to be set free. Don’t get me wrong, Jesus has cut the rope, I just somehow seem to tangle myself up with it again and again.  So as I end a week of “independence ponderings,” I’ve penned a simple list. Perhaps you’ve got one, too.

Ten Things From Which Every Mom Needs to Be Set Free
1.  Guilt- it’s the gift that keeps giving and giving and giving
2.  Comparisonit instantly kills my contentedness
3.  The Backseat Argument- who CARES where you sit in the mini van?
4.  Diaper bags without wipeswhy do I haul around a bag the size of the kitchen sink and STILL find myself wiping my baby’s poopy bottom with a leaf at the ball park? 
5. Referee Duties- I’ve never looked good in stripes.. . why can’t siblings just GET ALONG?
6.  Sticky Floors-I’ll know my children are grown and gone when I can walk barefooted across the kitchen floor  again
7.  Self-DoubtI’m tired of wondering if what I’m doing today is going to put my kid on a counselor’s couch tomorrow.  God’s grace is bigger than my MISTAKES!
8.  Monotony- time to dig that lingerie out from under the nursing bras
9.  The Battle of the BulgeSeriously, is skin that has been stretched to infinity and beyond really supposed to be firm and flat again?
10.  CrabbinessLife’s just too short 

How about you? What’s on your list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment and add to my freedom cry. And then, remember today’s treasure and claim the amazing truth of God’s word next time you’re tempted to tie yourself up with the worthless chains of condemnation:  If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed. John 8:36



  1. Oh my! Once I began the list, I couldn’t stop. My “freedom cry” grew all weekend. I agree with the yelling, the selfishness (maybe that should be #1 on my list) and holding my tongue. God must have cut us from the same mold 🙂 And then, of course, there’s frustration, unrealistic expectations, micromanagement, the need to control, my tendancy to make five, ten, and fifteen year plans without consulting the Lord first, and my critical spirit. HELP! I’m in serious need of a SAVIOR!

    So glad we “meet” occasionally on these pages.


  2. I loved this, Alicia. My list is much the same as yours. (However, I am finally free of the diaper bag… hallelujah!) I would add selfishness and yelling to that list. I still find myself falling into the trap of being selfish. And I still need to work on holding my tongue, being slow to anger, etc.

    Loving your blog… always a good dose of encouragement here! Thanks!

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