power of a story

Fill your days with lots of stories, books- Monte Swan: the way of wisdom is best taught through stories- first off all God’s story….
If there is a divine Storyteller, there is a story w/ a beginning and an ending- it’s all going somewhere. Therefore, there can be purpose, meaning,and joy as our littles stories meld into His larger one. Children by their very nature live in their imagination- in stories. Their worlds are large, filled with wonder, exploration, adventure, and drama.. life becomes practice to live the story of God… 
and that story is a part of the larger Story that God has been telling since forever. It is His 
When you are pushing the cars around and telling the story of the bad backhoe, barbies, etc, you are crafting a story and you can infuse God into that story.. kids are so receptive to it… often do it on their own.
Re-enact the stories you read.. set up little people, barbies, puppets,
Farmer Cap- kids planted balloons, money, etc.  Bible stories- Baby Moses, nativity, etc. Pete and Pillar- play trucks, etc.  
“fantasy” Greek word “a making visible” Nathan told David a story to convict him of sin… You are the man! as if coated with Velcro, stories stick! Like old felt board .. our children’s hearts are a felt board decorated w/the stories from their days stuck–what stories do we want stuck in their souls?  
I always felt life first as a story; and if there is a story, there is a storyteller.  G.K. Chesterton Orthodoxy

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