Multitude on Mondays: Why Bumping into Jesus is Better than the Bottomless Cup of Coffee…

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When my youngest girls were younger still, they unwittingly painted a beautiful portrait of spiritual refreshment during an ordinary sister mishap on a far-from extraordinary winter’s day. 

Though this scene unfolded on my dirty kitchen floor two years ago, I think of it often when my soul is parched and dry. And I thank Jesus for the poignant reminder of His standing invitation to drink freely from His cup.

Hannah had just filled a plastic pink cup to the brim with ice cold water when eighteen-month-old-Maggie came bounding into the kitchen. Too busy bustling to notice the seven-year-old obstacle in her way, Maggie bumped full speed into Hannah’s knees. 

The jolt jiggled Hannah’s cup of water, and a stream of wet sprinkles promptly overflowed onto Maggie’s small blond head. 

I expected my littlest one to respond with her standard cantankerous cry of frustration. But instead, she tilted her pudgy chin upward in curiosity. When she spotted Hannah’s pink cup, Maggie’s eyes lit with understanding. She patted her damp curls and began to giggle with delight.

Then, with a spark of mischief in her eyes, Maggie took two steps backwards and sprung for Hannah’s knees once again. With a happy squeal, she lunged into her sister’s middle and froze in anticipation right below Hannah’s armpit. This time, when the water jostled out of Hannah’s cup, little sister danced gleefully in the spillover.  

Belly laughs bubbled from the depths of my toddler’s tummy, while her big sister’s giggles added harmony to their unplanned song of joy. Over and over, the two girls bumped and giggled. Spun in sprinkles. Refilled the pink plastic cup and pirouetted in puddles on the sticky kitchen floor.

When the spontaneous fun was over, I mopped up the lingering water and thought about the similarities between my bustling little girl and her mother. Like my toddler, I often race through my day oblivious to the One who stands nearby with His cup filled to the brim.

While Hannah’s pink cup contained only water, my Savior’s cup teems with everything my thirsty soul needs. 

What if, like Maggie, I bump into Jesus as I move about my day? 

Not by chance, but by choice.  

What if I take time to notice Him standing quietly in my midst as I wipe bottoms and  floors and fingers? 

What if by dropping to my knees I can collide with His?

Surely those holy bumps would change my day. And my heart. 
Perhaps, like a belly-laughing toddler, I’d find myself toe tapping in puddles of living water
And maybe, just maybe, as I lift my face heavenward and dance in the overflow of grace sloshing from my Savior’s  cup, I’ll discover that one bump isn’t nearly enough. 

The Overflow:  Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life.
 -Revelation 22:17
Still counting my way to 1000 Gifts. Won’t you join me?
836. Branches bejeweled with glistening white. Unexpected snow! Unexpected beauty!
837. God who works through my weakness. 
838. Friday night take-out on the couch with my man. 
839. Lizzy dressed in fairy-wings with a pink rocking guitar slung over her shoulder… the fun and freedom of little girl play 🙂
840. The prayers of our youth splashed across the walls of the furnace room… proof of a generation desperate for God.
841. An apology slipping from the lips of my strong-willed son… small signs of a softening heart and a growing-humble spirit.
842. A Savior whose cup flows over. Living Water. Strength for today.
843. Belly laughs before bed. A happy end to a happy day.
Joining up with Anne today…
And A house upon the rock


  1. Trish @ A House Upon The Rock says:

    Wonderful post! Just wonderful!

    May we all bump in to Jesus more!

    Glad to have you along.

  2. Thanks to everyone for stopping by. I’m praying a long sip of joy for each of you today!

  3. Your girls sound precious and fun. I love the way you write. You describe so well and the words just flow off the page and into my heart. Thank you. visiting from Soli Deo Gloria. Thank you for a wonderful analogy that I need to bump into Jesus more often than I do.

  4. I love this! Such a great analogy with your daughters experience to you and your Savior’s experience. Love how God does that! Such a sweet picture.

    p.s. I caught how you simply mopped up the overflow…and that is a seriously good mom.

  5. That picture of Maggie is darling! I can’t stand it! Kids are too much fun!

    I love this story of them colliding and then turning it into a joyous moment! Either one could have found reason to throw a quick fit!

    I love how you related it to bumping into our Savior…I am striving to bump into him often…not physically…but emotionally..and spiritually. The days can get bogged down…and who do I leave out?
    Sometimes I need him to be sitting on the floor with a glass of ice water, so I can stumble into his loving arms…and laugh…and cry…and just feel of his everlasting love! 🙂

  6. oh, the picture at the end..haha. My daughter and she would be FAST friends. oh yes, to tilt my head back and to experience life this way…

  7. 837 – a God who works through my weaknesses is a gift I am loving at the moment and so thankful for. Love your blessed list. Hopping over from Ann’s.

  8. Back from Jakarta… This is such a gorgeous story. Can just imagine the giggles. I’m going to try and do some intentional bumping today, knowing His cup is always brimming, wanting to overflow in my life! Thank you Alicia. Pauline

  9. Regan Jamieson says:

    I love this story!! Having spent wonderful moments in your kitchen, I see this event beautifully unfolding. What a gift for your day! I followed the link to Ann’s One Thousand Gifts and I’m so inspired! I just might have to incorporate this into my Lent season or join you on 1,0000 :). Tell everyone I love them. Give them a big old hug for me.

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