Multitude Mondays: What A Mom Can Learn from an Empty Cracker Box (And a Wise Five-Year-Old)
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We were driving home from the swimming pool, sun-kissed kids tired and hungry.
And the littlest one began to cry over an empty cracker box.
She had already cusped a handful of crunchy snacks and filled her tummy with more than enough.
But she wanted more. And she wanted more NOW!
Home was only seven minutes away.
Supper was waiting in the oven. I would scoop her a steamy helping while she was slipping into dry clothes.
I told her so as I reached around the driver’s seat and tickled her toes wrinkled white from our afternoon of prancing through the water.
Her response to my gentle promise was less than gracious.
She threw the cracker box at her brother and promptly filled the van with screeching.
No strangers to toddler tantrums, her siblings groaned and covered their ears. I rolled down the window and let the wind and road noise buffer the squeals.
After a few ear-splitting minutes, Joshua reached across the aisle and grabbed his noisy sister’s hand.
“Maggie,” our preschooler pleaded, “Can’t you just be thankful for what you’ve got instead of fussing about what you don’t?“
Josh tipped the cracker box upside down and watched the last of the dusty crumbs scatter across the dirty floor mat.
Then, in his listen-to-me-cause-i’m bigger-than-you voice, he said, “It’s your choice, Mags. You can cry about wanting more or just thank Jesus for whatcha got.”
My littlest girl stopped her screeching and turned to look at her brother. Her lip curled into a sly smile and she pulled one more cracker out from under her legs.
“I got one more,” she declared with a giggle.
And her brother whispered, “Thank you, Jesus!”
I drove the rest of the way home in silence and thought about my morning rant, the one in which I’d rehearsed for my husband all of the lack in my life….
The unanswered prayers. The unfinished projects. The unclean carpets. The unattained dreams.
I ached somewhere down deep, and it wasn’t from hunger. Conviction rumbled low like an empty stomach’s plea.
I spied that empty cracker box in the rearview mirror and shook my head in frustration. Why do I live like a collector of crumbs when I’ve been given a handful of hope?
I glanced over my shoulder at my no-longer-screeching-three-year-old and reminded myself of this truth: I don’t have to succumb to ingratitude’s squeal.
I have a choice.
Thanklessness is not an incurable condition. It is a daily decision.
Gratitude or grumbles. Grousing or grace. Moment by moment I can choose.
And perhaps, if I just thank Jesus for what I’ve got, this long ride Home will be a story worth telling!
The Overflow: And cultivate thankfulness.
-Colossians 3:15
Thanking Jesus for what I’ve got….
1101. An overcast evening.. all four young ones tucked in bed by 9:15 without complaint.
1102. A homemade spa on our deck- honey and oil face masks, foot rubs, and giggling girls.
1103. The pitter patter of raindrops on the window pane in the quiet of morning.
1104. Lizzy was wearing a helmet when she fell off her ripstick and broke her wrist… protection from greater harm
1105. Doctor Daddy curled up on the couch with Lizzy watching a movie to distract her from the pain- the medicine of empathy and special time together.1106. Friends who help when things go wrong.
1108. A friend who holds out a hot cup of coffee and a gooey cupcake at the end of a tough day.
1109. My big boy in his dirty baseball uniform- sitting at the bar and telling me the details of the game I missed.
1110. A quiet walk around the lake- time to pray, time to listen.
Linking again with Ann and these lovely grace seekers: l.l. for on, in, and around mondays, laura for playdates with god, ruth at the better mom, and jen for soli deo gloria
Rochelle, I love that line you just wrote- the reminder that you ARE the right mom for your kids. Long ago when I just had one little guy and I felt like I’d been given the wrong kid- or he’d been given the wrong mom- I read this line in Susan Alexander Yate’s book, “And Then I Had Kids,” and I have never forgotten it. She wrote, “God always gives you exactly the children He needs to shape you into the woman He’s dreamed you to be.” Guess you are the one for them. And they are the perfect tools in God’s hand!
Good good stuff. Thanks for sharing, as always! I was just lamenting how sometimes I don’t feel I am meeting my children’s needs … and sometimes I just need to recognize the ways I am just the right mom for them. 🙂
Oh, my.. don’t think I can take credit for my little one’s wisdom- but I’m sure glad that God loves to hunch low and speak through the lips of children. Maybe He gave me five because He knew I’d need lots of lessons!
Such wisdom from such a young one! I wonder where he learned that? 😉 You’re doing a wonderful job MOM! 🙂
You have the sweetest. Kids….I think I could learn a lot from them. Thank you for reminding me to count my blessings 🙂
Great post. Thanks for the reminder to stay thankful. 🙂
Oh, what a delightful story! I love this line: Why do I live like a collector of crumbs when I’ve been given a handful of hope? So true! I hope you are enjoying your summer…sounds like you are.
Great reflections!
A child shall lead them indeed!
Lov’n that Josh of yours!
Thankfulness sure is a daily decision! Joshua is smart cookie! 🙂 A homemade spa sounds like so much fun. A quiet walk around the lake sounds so peaceful. Beautiful gifts!
I am feeling grumpy today…I needed this post!
I will choose to be happy! 😉
Miss you!
Thank you for visiting my blog, Sweet Blessings. Nice to “meet” you! 🙂
Such wisdom for a small child. I love that! It definitely shows that he is being influenced and taught at home. Good job mommy. 🙂
I loved your story. What a wise son you have. Thank you for reminding me that our lives are all about daily choices. Have a wonderful day.
What a great story. I love when children end up being the teachers. Such wisdom! And what a beautiful list of blessings.
Thanks for the sweet comment you left at my blog.
I too often complain about crumbs when I have handfuls of hope. I would have fit right in with the Israelites trek through the desert! Great post.
Oh, your Joshua has got it right…
“Thank You, Jesus!”
What a powerful teachable moment. Who knew we would be the ones learning so much during these growing up years…and all I can say is Thank You, Jesus!
So delighted you heard His whisper through the tantrum.
Beautiful post.
All for Him,
You are such a gifted writer! I had to laugh out loud at this because it’s a familiar scene. Then I read it to my 8 and 10 year olds, who are also no strangers to toddler tantrums. Mine never go through the terrible twos…it’s always the thunderous threes.
Lovely post and isn’t it wonderful when they teach us right back? I’d say that’s mastery. 🙂
Great! I like to read your thoughts. And I like your blog.
Thank you for your visit and sweet comment on my blog Alicia.
Children certainly are blessings …in more ways than one!!! I love your story, I bet your heart swelled at the wisdom in your little man!
I have to ask where you live…I haven’t met many bloggers from the midwest. 🙂
(I am in Amery, WI)