When God Speaks

Welcome to the Overflow! Whether you’re an old friend or a new one, I’m glad you’re here. This is a place where faith is spilled and souls are filled. I hope you’ll pull up a chair and stay awhile.

Today I’m over at Proverbs 31 talking about the secret to hearing from Heaven  If you haven’t had a chance to read that devotion, you can find it here. But before you go, I’d love to tell you what I’m learning about that tie between our feet and our ears!  And when you’re done reading, don’t forget to enter for a chance to win a resource to help turn your ears to God.

I heard the hum of her sing-song chatter as I carried my laundry basket down the hallway. And when I paused outside of her bedroom door, I got a glimpse of my daughter’s carefree play.

She held a Barbie doll in one hand and a purple plastic horse in the other. The Barbie danced happy and the horse leaped high as her imagination spilled across the canvas of her bedroom floor.  I could have watched her four-year-old whimsy all day, but I knew it would soon be time to get ready for preschool. So I tiptoed to my daughter’s side and pointed to my watch with an apologetic smile.

My girl responded with a pink pout. And before I could utter a word, she dropped her Barbie doll onto the floor and covered her ears.

She stared at me with her  hands planted firmly on the sides of her head like a pair of pink earmuffs, and I tried not to laugh out loud.

“What are you doing?” I asked as I gently pried my preschooler’s fingers away from her unruly curls.

“I’m covering up my listeners…” my daughter responded in utter sincerity.

“Why?” I prodded, turning my head to hide the smirk that threatened to stretch across my face.

“Because if I don’t hear what you say, I won’t have to obey,” my preschooler said with a hopeful shrug.

It’s been over a decade since my daughter “covered her listeners.”

But the more I learn about hearing from the Lord, the more I believe her childish declaration holds a powerful truth for all of us.

You see, listening and obedience go hand in hand.

Even at the tender age of four, my daughter understood this. But do we?

In his book, The Listening Life, Adam McHugh writes:

“The word we translate into English as ‘obedience’ literally means ‘listening from below.’  Obedience is deep listening, a listening of the whole person, a hearing with your ears and with your heart and with your arms and legs.”

We weren’t made to merely recognize God’s voice. We were designed to respond to it.

Maybe that’s why James pens such bold words in his letter to new testament believers.

“Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you hear! Those who hear and don’t act are like those who glance in the mirror, walk away, and two minutes later have no idea who they are, what they look like.” James 1:22-24 The Message

True listeners don’t just take time to hear God’s voice; they choose to heed it.

They don’t just tune in to His whispers; they step out in His strength.

Deaf ears lead to dead ends.

But true listeners know that the greatest adventures begin with a whisper from Heaven and a giant leap of faith.

No need to cover our ears. We’re already covered in His perfect love!

Speak, Lord, we’re listening!

If you like what you’ve found here at the Overflow, I’d love to stay connected! I hope you’ll sign up on the side bar to receive a little trickle of inspiration in your in-box now and then.  Or, if you’d rather, we can stay connected on Facebook or Twitter. Of course, my favorite way to connect is the old fashioned way–face to face so I can see your smile.  I’m scheduling speaking engagements for the remainder of 2018 and all of 2019, and I’d be delighted to bring a message of encouragement to a ministry event near you! (Contact me at overflow@aliciabruxvoort.net if you’d like to know more).

Today, we’re giving away a resource to help you learn to listen to the voice of God. For a chance to win Priscilla Shrier’s devotional, Awaken: 90 Days with the God who Speaks, just leave us a comment and tell us about a time you listened and obeyed. We’ll choose one lucky winner by Friday, May 11 (US Addresses only, please!).



  1. Sue Clabby says:

    Being retired i have alot of “think time” beyween projects. I too feel the nudges so i am praying for direction. Last week my pastor preached on breaking up fallow ground, hence i am encouraged to keep plowing by spending time in prayer and reading the word. Thanks for your blog, soo soothing😊

  2. For years I worked in a big city where near to my office homeless people congregate to ask for change. I used to look at the ground or pretend I was talking to someone on my phone so I didn’t have to be stopped by one them. I was taught it was rude to ignore someone talking to you. One day a homeless man simply said hi as I walked past him. I walked past him several times a week and he kept saying hi, I would say hi back but kept on walking. One day I heard Jesus say, what you do for the least among you, you do for me. After that I stopped and started talking with the man. His life was very interesting. He was disabled because of an accident. He used to care for horses and one kicked him in the head. His disability check from the government didn’t cover all his expenses. Since that time I’ve stopped and talked to several homeless people. They all have a similar story and they all say the same thing. It’s not being poor or homeless that is depressing. It’s when people walk past them like they don’t exist, that is the most depressing. My time is free and now when I’m walking past the homeless, if I feel a nudge from Jesus, I give my time and talk to the person.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Cindy, this is a powerful reminder for all of us. THANK YOU for sharing! I, too, have felt God nudge me to let the homeless know they are SEEN. Sometimes the simplest acts of kindness- listening, smiling, looking someone in the eye– speak louder than all the change in our purse.

  3. Shonda Fischer says:

    I just broke free from a abusive relationship and was scared to get into a relationship with someone I had dated just a couple of times. The guy was so sweet and a gentleman but I was not ready for a relationship at that time. Two years later our paths grossed again and I stood in my living room crying out to God that I was scared and I felt Gods presences Of peace and love and he told me that he would be with me and he had wonderful things in store for me. I married that man and we have been married for 18 years and I could never ask for a better man to share my life with! God is so good!

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Shonda, what a BEAUTIFUL testimony of God’s perfect timing and His faultless faithfulness. I’m so glad you heeded the Spirit’s whisper when you met your husband for the second time. Congratulations on 18 years of marriage:)

  4. I struggle with hearing from God, which I know is directly related to intimacy with God. I would love to win this resource to help me grow in that area.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Rhonda, thanks for naming the struggle. I think many of us could echo an honest “me too!” I’m praying with you and for you as you keep pursuing God’s heart. Ask Him to make your ears sensitive to His voice. And KEEP asking. I really believe that’s a prayer He loves to answer!

  5. Cynthia Ginn says:

    Almost 20 years ago I was working as a legal assistant when I felt a tug on my heart. My son was in college and my daughter was about to start her Senior year in high school. For many years my husband and I had been active in our church, and I had taught and worked with children in many capacities. That tug convinced me that I should be an elementary school teacher. I explored the possibility of completing my bachelor’s degree and becoming certified to teach. Fortunately, there is a nearby college that I could easily attend each day. My husband was not thrilled at the idea of me returning to college at 43 years of age, but he soon became my biggest supporter. I listened to that “tug” and have had the joy of teaching students in kindergarten through fourth grade. Today, I am the reading interventionist at my school working with children who struggle to learn to read, and I have the joy of joining in their success as they achieve the best they can be as students. I’m also able to build relationships with children who sometimes just need someone to give them a hug. How blessed I am that I listened to God’s tug on my heart!

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Wow, Cynthia! I’m SO GLAD you followed that “tug.” And I’m guessing that the students you’ve impacted over the years would say the same. Thanks for using your gifts to bless each and every child God sends you as a student. Praying He will continue to give you the energy, creativity, and wisdom you need to keep building the kingdom right within the walls of your school!

  6. I had a tug on my heart to give a wreath I had won at a bible study to the speaker. (I really liked it and wanted to keep it) so initially disregarded the tug and was driving away and felt miserable. I said aloud I’m sorry Lord I should have given it. I felt God respond it’s not too late! Go back. I turned around at the next stop light. Back in the parking lot she was loading her kids in the car and hadn’t left, perfect to just hand her as a gift from God for sharing what He’s done in her life. I was thankful I finally listened and obeyed and serve a God of second chances! ( alittle scenario but a big life lesson for me)

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Awww, Tawnya, I love the way you turned back around and obeyed. God IS indeed the God of second chances. And this story makes me smile because I was once the speaker who received a beautiful gift of encouragement at a retreat where I was speaking. I can’t tell you how much God used another woman’s obedience to buoy my faith with with a simple gift. Thanks for being a conduit of His love!

  7. Kassandra says:

    Today. I felt a nudge to give s homeless man my 1gal jug of water i just filled.i didn’t want to ay first cuz i was late for church but I’m glad i did cuz he drank it like he never had water before

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Beautiful! Funny how you are late to church and then God invited you to BE the CHURCH to a thirsty man. Such a stunning reminder that God wants to quench that deep thirst in all of our souls.

  8. I lost my granddaughter that I raised from a baby, a year ago! I was so filled with Anger at God! She was only 15! But in January of this year my Faith was restored and I’ve been trying to listen to hear what God has planned for me!

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Cynthia, I am so sorry for your loss. My heart is aching with you. It’s so hard to hear God through our pain. But He’s patient, isn’t He? And He can handle our anger and grief. So glad your faith is being restored. May you feel the presence of our tender and compassionate Father right beside you giving you strength for the journey. May He speak HOPE in your ear and to your heart. I’m praying for you, too.

  9. I recently learned that my boyfriend of 31 years–a man I have loved and trusted implicitly–took a vacation with another woman. I learned about it on social media, and he has not contacted me since. In the midst of my grief and bewilderment, I knew I would eventually forgive him. What I did not expect was that about 2 weeks after I learned about his betrayal, I heard God’s voice in my heart saying, “Pray for her, too. She is your sister in Christ.” And I did not even struggle with it, to my own surprise; I prayed for her.

    I do not yet know what the ultimate outcome will be, but as hurt as I am, there is no hatred in my heart. God is upholding me as I focus on obedience and abiding in Him.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Winona- your obedience is amazing. I’m sorry you’ve tasted the pain of your boyfriend’s unfaithfulness and I’m humbled by your testimony here. May God lavish you with His love and pour His blessing over your life as you continue to pursue His heart and follow His Word. So glad God is faithful and will never betray us or break His promises.

  10. Winona Henry says:

    I recently learned that my boyfriend of 31 years–a man I have loved and trusted implicitly–took a vacation with another woman. I learned about it on social media, and he has not contacted me since. In the midst of my grief and bewilderment, I knew I would eventually forgive him. What I did not expect was that about 2 weeks after I learned about his betrayal, I heard God’s voice in my heart saying, “Pray for her, too. She is your sister in Christ.” And I did not even struggle with it, to my own surprise; I prayed for her.

    I do not yet know what the ultimate outcome will be, but as hurt as I am, there is no hatred in my heart. God is upholding me as I focus on obedience and abiding on Him.

  11. “Be still and know…” It’s in those quiet moments, when my ‘heart’ hears His voice, whispering tenderly to me, expressing His love for me, drawing me back to His heart. One night after my husband passed away, I ‘felt’ so desperately lonely and longed for someone to wrap me in their arms – even to the point of being tempted to get involved with an unsaved man. Thankfully, as I cried out to God, I physically felt arms wrap around me – it was my heavenly Father, assuring me I wasn’t alone, He had me, loved me, and longed for me to run to Him! It still brings tears as I think of His tenderness toward me, rescuing me from the temptation of the enemy. Would love a copy of the book!

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Deb, this is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I’ve got tears to match yours. Our God is SO personal and SO kind.

  12. I have no stories of hearing God, I read the Bible but soon forget what I read. Try to memorize verses and can never remember them for more than an hour, but they are familiar when I read or hear them again. May this book will help me listen and heed.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Netha, I am praying that you WILL have stories of hearing from God, because He’s the Living Word and He is always speaking. I would say that instead of focusing on remembering or memorizing, just open the Word and focus on enjoying the Jesus you find there. Ask Him to show you more of who He is and to highlight in specific verses how He loves you. That’s one of my favorite ways to read the Bible- as a conversation between my Savior and me.

  13. Thank you, I loved this devotional!! …needed it!

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Always honored to have you stop by here, Ann!

  14. Thanks. I’m listening. There’s so much “background noise” that makes it hard to hear who’s Who sometimes. Maybe this book will be a ‘hearing aid’ that cuts out the background noise so I can hear the One in front of me speaking to me!

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Oh, Pam, I sure get that “background noise” problem! I once heard a pastor say it’s not that we can’t hear from God, it’s just that we choose to tune into other voices. I think the Bible serves as a “hearing aid” of sorts– helps me to tune the frequency of my heart to His 🙂

  15. Phyllis Borchardt says:

    Childlike faith. A quantity we need to identify and work to employ every day
    Proverbs 31 has introduced me to a community that has inspired me on my journey. Bible study and leadership in our church Women’s Ministry have become the centerpiece of my life and a special blessing to my journey

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Oh, Phyllis, we’re so glad to have you in our P3 family. Hugs to you, sister.

  16. I listened to God through my divorce and obeyed him by praying for my soon to be ex-husband. Its still hard to pray for him now, but I try to do when I’m nudged to. God did deliver me from that relationship (even though I didn’t want the divorce) but now I’m in a dating relationship with someone that went through the same thing as me.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Ashley, it’s hard to pray for someone who has hurt us. That’s sheer obedience. Well done. Praying that you will continue to pursue Jesus as your first love!

  17. Just finished Piscilla Shirer’s study The Armor of God! So thankful that I listened to God telling me to lead this study at our church and then show the movie War Room! Powerful and lufe changing. We saw many answered prayers!

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      I love that study, too, Terrie! Praising God with you for all the answered prayers:)

  18. We recently found ourselves having to make a major life decision….where to move our family when faced with 2 open door opportunities. Through the process, we did indeed come to realize that it’s more about knowing God than it is about knowing what the future looks like. He did provide clarity in the end, and along the way we were brought into a more intimate relationship with Him…which may have been His purpose all along.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Karla, I know this “crossroads” you describe well. My family and I were in a similar spot not long ago. Oh, how I love what you learned in the process! Thanks for reminding us all that the journey as always about knowing God better than knowing what the future holds. May He continue to lead you and pour His favor upon your whole family.

  19. Lately I have been having a hard time making time to be in God’s Word, so I haven’t been hearing Him like I used to hear Him. But a while ago I felt a nudge to go to church more than just on Sundays, so I started going to Bible study midweek. Its been so good, I’ve gotten to know people and learned a lot.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Some of my most cherished friendships have come from those midweek Bible studies over the years. So glad you followed that nudge. May your time in God’s Word each week tune your ears to His voice every day.

  20. Several years ago I felt God leading me to lead a missions trip. I was only in college and didn’t feel confident enough to lead, but I obeyed, and it was a huge blessing not just to those we served, but to us as well. God used that to open the door for two more mission trips after that. I pray that I will listen, hear and obey every day!

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Wow, Trena. I love the way your first “YES” led to other “YES’s”, too. I’m echoing your prayer. May we listen, hear, and obey every day:)

  21. I prayed without ceasing while my son was in a coma; 15 years later, we are closer than ever to God. I think the biggest obstacle to hearing God is lack of attention!

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Tammy, what a testimony! And I think you are SOOO right–God is always speaking, the question is whether or not we’re paying attention. Thanks for that powerful reminder.

  22. Dori Sheese says:

    I’ve heard the still, small voice of the Lord telling me to keep my mouth shut many, many times. Most times I obey. Sometimes, I don’t, then I get myself in trouble! Thank you for sharing today!

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Ha! Dori, we must be soul sisters:) I’m still learning to obey those spirit-nudges to shut my mouth! Let’s pray for each other:)

  23. On Monday I literally got on my knees and cried and prayed. I asked Him to hit me over the head so I’d hear what He was telling me what to do or to open my eyes. It worked because scriptures, words in books that I feel He wanted me to see have come my way. Maybe I need to continue with the “hit me over the head” approach until I learn to be still and just listen.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      This makes me giggle— only because I’ve asked the same thing many times in my own life. Keep asking for those “hits,” Jessica, and those open eyes. That’s probably why Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:18, “Open the eyes of my heart, God!” I’d rather that God hit me over the head than my own limited vision trip me up.

  24. carolyn r says:

    The P31 devo and this post spoke to my heart. I’ve been trying to spend more time with my Father so I can hear Him more. What a joy that would be! Thank you, Alicia, for this perspective that I don’t have to try hard to listen so much as get to know Him better. It’s a relief actually.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Thanks for taking time to meet us here, Carolyn

  25. Thank you so much for the portions of encouragement and wisdom, both here and in the devotional. I thoroughly enjoyed both of them- and it looks like your kids were deep wells of wisdom beyond their physical age 🙂 .
    I have a few neat stories of hearing the voice of God, and I would love to develop this even deeper, but here is one: it was a usual day and I was running errands. Heading slowly home I passed a woman sitting on the ground with a few of her kids asking for money. People kept passing them. This did make me feel sad for her but I continued to walk. As I walked about one block away, I heard a voice in my head saying I should give her money. I brushed it off and continued walking. Two blocks later the nudge was stronger but I felt silly walking back just for that. When I got home, the woman and the ”task” were still deeply on my mind, so I decided to obey and walk all the way back, hoping she would still be there, and I would not regret not obeying immediately. To my relief she and the kids were still there. Before approaching them, I went into a nearby grocery store, bought a gift card for her, and then simply handed it to her with some basic greetings.
    To be honest I felt such a relief afterwards that I did obey, albeit with a delay :), the voice and was able to help her especially since I was in the position of be able to do that.

    1. Wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing, Marik. I have had that sort of thing happen, too. In this world today, one must be careful. So thankful God is persistent with us. 🙂

    2. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Marik, thanks for sharing your story. It’s crazy how much relief comes from obeying what God says! I love the way God persisted and you responded!

  26. I listened to His voice telling me to take my two small children and leave my abusive husband. Well, actually He spoke 3 times louder and louder before I acted. He even gave me a “sign” when I asked for one as fear overtook me later on the road. It was a billboard that said “Good things are coming soon”. 32 years later I have a wonderful life which has brought me closer to Him. I am happier than I’ve ever been and am a member of a loving church which does many community ministries. Thank you, Jesus!

    1. Wow! Praise God, Lynn! Thanks so much for sharing.

    2. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Wow, Lynn! What a testimony of God’s goodness and your courageous obedience. I love how our Heavenly Father gave you a literal “sign” in the midst of your fear and uncertainty. 🙂

  27. Very recently, I was at a conference, in a darkened auditorium with I think gray carpet. My glasses came apart, and the screw (Praise God!) fell in my hand. I was impressed, I am sure by God, to go to the registration table and seek help. I went, and the gal to whom God led me was just the person to help me, as a night or two before she had to use the screwdrivers, so she knew right where they were. She took the screw and came back with the right sized screwdriver and fixed my glasses for me! I was so very thankful! God is so good! If I may share one more incident – from longer ago – I was at another conference, and a speaker said if we wanted to share a song to come forward, seek permission and do so. I heard God say go sing “He Giveth More Grace.” This was a song He had given me when my husband was in Italy and my daughter and I were in the US awaiting his call, as I sold our trailer. I do not like to get in front of people, let alone an auditorium of virtually all “strangers.” I didn’t even tell my husband, but went to the front and asked about sharing the song. They said yes, and with a pianist with whom I had not practiced, of course, I presented the song! What an amazing thing!! God is so very good!! Thank you for allowing me to share. May God cotinue to richly bless you and all your readers.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Cindy, I love your stories of God’s faithfulness in the big and small things. What courage it took to stand up in front of a crowd and sing a song. Love your YES to Him!

  28. Thank you for being God’s messenger to my ears and heart this morning, removing all doubt that i’ve allowed to creep in since my daughter’s death. Praise God.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Martha, I’m SO sorry for your heart-breaking loss. It’s hard to hear God in our grief, isn’t it? I am echoing the desperate father’s prayer in Mark 9:23 for you and with you— “I do believe! Help my unbelief!”

  29. Tracy Snyder says:

    A friend of mine was going on a missions trip and was telling me all about it, then suggested that I go. I thought my friend was crazy. But the more I thought about, the more I wanted to go. I prayed for days and knew that is what His wanted me to do. Others thought I was crazy. But God provided and I went. I t was amazing. Life changing.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      I love the way you obeyed. Sometimes obedience looks crazy but when God confirms it in our heart, we know He’ll meet us in the madness, right? Such a fun story! Thanks for sharing it here.

  30. So funny, I just wrote and shared about my experiences on trying to learn about “hearing from God” yesterday. I love the verse you chose saying that He knows us and we know His voice! I confess I still have a hard time uncovering my “listeners” sometimes and following His guidance and obeying His commands, just as a child fail to listen to his parents.
    Thank you for the inspiration today.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      I’m still learning to live with “uncovered” listeners too, Valeria. Glad we have a patient God! Blessings as you continue to hear from Him.

  31. I was struggling with finances. I’m a SAHM so we are a single income family. My husband makes a great income, but he’s also a spender. I kept trying to get us on a budget, but I’d spend hours every month re-working it because we just weren’t following it. I felt God say to me that I needed to stop trying to control everything and give it to Him. So I did. I stopped making the budget and worrying about it and prayed hard about it. It was absolutely unbelievable how God worked through that simple obedience. Several weeks later my husband (who has never been into finances or budgeting) started listening to financial podcasts and decided to create a budget for us. We’ve been on it since and have paid off debt and are so excited about it! It’s been amazing to watch God work through a simple act of listening and obedience.

    1. Praise God, Megan! Thanks so much for sharing.

    2. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Wow, Megan! We never know how far and wide one simple act of obedience will carry us. I love how God is showing up as your Perfect Provider- sure is more fun to let the Author of Life write the story than to try to control the script;) Blessings as you continue to listen and obey.

  32. Kathleen Bowen says:

    Thank you for your encouraging words. When I hear stories like yours it helps me know that God does speak to us. My prayer is to be close enough to Him to hear His voice.

    1. Yes, Kathleen. I too, want to “be close enough to Him to hear His voice.” May God continue to richly bless you.

    2. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      AMEN! Praying that for you and with you, Kathleen.

  33. I read Proverbs 31 every morning and always enjoy your devotions. Today’s was exceptional. It’s hard sometimes to discern God’s voice amongst all the chattering that goes on in my head.
    I’m head of our Women’s Ministry at my church and constantly seeking God for ideas for meetings, themes for retreats and creative ideas. When I seek Him fervently, not just a 60 second prayer He always answers and it’s always great!
    Sometimes in my personal life though it’s harder to be obedient. I would love to read this Priscilla Shirer book.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Joan, I love your testimony of how God always shows up with exactly what you need to lead the ministry at your church. He’s so kind that way. And i totally understand how that personal obedience can be more difficult. Sometimes I forget to turn over all the details of my personal life to Him because it seems like the ministry stuff is “more important” somehow. Glad we have a God who is invested in EVERY DETAIL of our lives. I’m praying for a continued favor to fall upon your ministry and for God to keep tugging you closer and closer to His heart.

  34. I totally love that both pieces I’ve read today by Alicia are literally serving as an encouraging reminder to me from my heavenly papa.
    I’m currently on a walk of obedience with God, technically a life journey I’m hoping. It wasn’t easy and hasn’t really been because I struggled with discerning the voice of God from all the other voices in my head. Secondly, what God is leading me to do is wayyyy out of my comfort zone, in the realm of the impossible in my head BUT Glory be to God, I recognize impossible is exactly where my God operates Best. So daily, I’m trying my best with the help of the Holy Spirit to overcome the urge to quit and just keep obeying, I know it’ll be worth it after all.

    Would def appreciate the Shirer resource. I’m loving learning more about walking the walk of obedience daily as I have SOO many more areas I’m being nudged to be an “obedient executor” and not just a “mind-planner” by God BUT need to overcome the sea of doubt that tries to drown out my confidence

    1. Thank you for sharing, Knubi! I really like your statement, “…I’m being nudged to be an “obedient executor” and not just a “mind-planner” by God BUT need to overcome the sea of doubt that tries to drown out my confidence.” What a great way to put it. Yeah! May God continue to richly bless you.

      1. I am sorry I misspelled your name, Kunbi. I even looked at it, and still spelled it wrong. 🙂

    2. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Kunbi, your “life journey” inspires me. May you keep following the God of the impossible and continue to discover the joys of being an “obedient executor” (Love that phrase! I will make that my prayer, too)

  35. For a while, when my son was in middle school, I would stick around after I dropped him off and walk the blocks surrounding his school, convering every part in prayer. I prayed specifically for each staff, specific students, clubs, protection- you name it, it was prayed for.

    One day as I was praying, I passed a home whose garbage, left by the curb waiting for the garbage man, had been ravaged by something and trash was all over that part of the yard.

    I felt God directing me to clean it up. So after circling the block another time or two- ya know, *making sure* it was God’s voice I was hearing (or stalling, as I wasn’t sure people would think as I rooted around the personal items of strangers) I got a trash bag that just *happened* to be in the back of my car, and got it done.
    Cleaning that mess was one of the most real times I have felt God’s presence. Cleaning that mess turned out to be more for me than for them.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Jennifer, isn’t it crazy how obeying even in what seems like a fairly inconsequential “small thing” can turn into a BIG MOMENT with God? Love this testimony. Thanks for sharing.

  36. Tina konkler says:

    Thank you for a chance to win. I am learning to listen with an expectant heart each morning. Staying in his word through bible study or reading things like this encourages me every day! ❤️🙏

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Yes! The Word is a tuning fork for our ears, isn’t it? Tunes our hearts to His voice. Thanks for stopping by, Tina.

  37. Susan Stephens says:

    Thank you for the chance to win this resource. I too long to be a doer not just a hearer. I pray for ears that hear and through reading His word I see how I have come to know God’s character better and in turn be able to discern His voice.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      I’m echoing your prayer, Susan. Thanks for lingering here.

  38. When my son was in the air force sent to Iraq.
    I was woken at 2:00 am by the Lords voice saying pray your son and men he serves are in trouble. I prayed without ceasing until He said it is done. Next day my son contacted us and at the same time I was praying. They were being protected from a land mine meant for them.
    And gunfire ceased suddenly💕☝️… Oh what a mighty God we serve…

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Loretta, your story gives me chills. Yes, what a mighty God we serve!!!! Thank you, Jesus.

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