The One Prayer that Captures All the Longings of a Mama’s Heart

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It was those Bibles strewn across the kitchen table that launched my heart right into my throat this morning, God’s Word framed with dribbles of orange juice and cereal crumbs, splatters of jelly and an abandoned spelling list.

I hadn’t noticed it right away when I’d returned from dropping the kids at school, how those remnants of our morning rush were a portrait of answered prayer.

photo 1

I’d been too busy rinsing the dishes and grumbling about the milk cartons left carelessly on the counter, too focused on mixing up one more batch of brownies and emptying that stinky lunch box that had been excavated from the bottom of a certain second-grader’s backpack right before we’d headed out the door.

But when I’d turned from the sink with soapy dishrag in hand, and I’d spotted that streak of yellow blazing across that well-worn page of my sixteen-year-old’s Bible, I realized that I was beholding a yes from God.

The first time I’d asked, I was planted in a rocking chair in the corner of a mauve and blue hospital room, that tiny bundle of wrinkles and wonder tucked snugly in my arms. My husband had been snoozing on that too-small couch by the window and I’d reached for my Bible in the quiet of the afternoon. I’d balanced the Word in one hand and my fresh-from-the-womb-firstborn in the other, and I’d lingered over my favorite Psalms until the nurse had bustled in with her checklist and an apologetic smile.

I’d prayed it then as I marveled at my son’s smooshed nose and serious blue eyes: Lord, give this child a love for your Word. 

And I’d uttered it this morning as I sat by the window in the dark before dawn, covering that same boy in prayer, and all four of his siblings, too.

Lord, give my children a love for your Word. 

And in the years and the months and the minutes in between, I’ve spoken that prayer a thousand times more.

From the lonely quiet of the rocking chair trenches to the deafening middle of my mini-van madness, I’ve begged God over and over again to ignite a holy love affair in my children’s hearts.

Motherhood compels prayer like living beckons breath.

And we who carry children know that prayer is what carries a mama through every change and challenge.

We pray for safety and for health, for wisdom and whimsy.

We pray for tempers to be tamed and kindness to be kindled, for faith to be enflamed and squabbles to be squashed.

We pray for the company our children will keep and the mates they will one day marry. We pray for their todays and their somedays.

And we pray for their mamas… for help and hope, patience and perseverance.

Our prayers change over the years, much like our children do.

But this morning, when I ran my washrag along the edges of those Bibles, scooped up the crumbs and the drizzles that flanked God’s Holy writ right there in my kitchen, I realized that this one prayer has withstood the test of time–

Jesus, give my children a LOVE for your Word.

Maybe it’s because it’s the one prayer that captures all the longings of a mama’s heart.

photo 1We want our children to stick with Jesus, to follow the unique path He’s planned for them. 

And God’s Word can help them do that.

 You’re blessed when you stay on course,
walking steadily on the road revealed by God.
You’re blessed when you follow his directions,
doing your best to find him.
That’s right—you don’t go off on your own;
you walk straight along the road he set. 
(Psalm 119:1-4)

We want our kids to live with purpose and passion, to chase after Jesus’ great big dreams rather than waste their lives on their own small aspirations.

And God’s Word can show them how.

Barricade the road that goes Nowhere;
    grace me with your clear revelation.
I choose the true road to Somewhere,
    I post your road signs at every curve and corner.
I grasp and cling to whatever you tell me;
    God, don’t let me down!
I’ll run the course you lay out for me
    if you’ll just show me how. (Psalm 119:29-32)

We want our children to know deep in their marrow that they are loved. Deeply. Completely. Always. 

And God’s Word can anchor them to that amazing truth.

Let your love, God, shape my life
with salvation, exactly as you promised;
Then I’ll be able to stand up to mockery
because I trusted your Word.
Don’t ever deprive me of truth, not ever—
your commandments are what I depend on. 
(Psalm 119:41-43)

We want our kids to make wise choices and to delight in life as a precious gift. Because it is.

And God’s Word can make that possible.

God, teach me lessons for living
    so I can stay the course.
Give me insight so I can do what you tell me—
    my whole life one long, obedient response.
Guide me down the road of your commandments;
    I love traveling this freeway! (Psalm 119:33-35)

We want want our children to chase after Heaven’s treasures rather than selling their souls for earthly gain.

And God’s Word can lead them to true riches.

Give me a bent for your words of wisdom,
    and not for piling up loot.
Divert my eyes from toys and trinkets,
    invigorate me on the pilgrim way. (Psalm 119:36-37)

We want our children to cling to Jesus when life gets hard.

And God’s Word can be their linchpin.

   I hang on to these words for dear life!
These words hold me up in bad times;
    yes, your promises rejuvenate me. (Psalm 119:49-50)

And more than anything else—more than success or esteem, privilege or prosperity–we want our children to know life that is really life.

God’s Word can accomplish that.

Oh, love me—and right now!—hold me tight!
    just the way you promised.
Now comfort me so I can live, really live;
    your revelation is the tune I dance to. (Psalm 119:76-77)

So, today, as I sit at my kitchen table dotted with bagel crumbs and Bibles, would you lean in close and listen?

Keep praying, dear mama. Keep praying.

Cast your cares upon the One who cares. Place your children in His hands.

Bank your life and theirs upon the promises of a God whose ways are higher than ours, whose plans are more dazzling than our wildest dreams.

And remember, He hears. 

He hears you when you cry out from the rocking chair and from the laundry room, from the bottom bunk and the sandbox.

He knows how much you love those little ones who leave mud prints on your carpet and fingerprints on your windows.

And He loves them even more.


Look at this, dear friend…

That streak of yellow highlighter on my son’s open Bible page?

I read it slowly before I closed that precious book and stashed it on the bookshelf once again.

It’s a promise for you and me, for every mother who inhales prayer and exhales praise…

I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. (Mark 11:24)

Keep asking. Keep believing.

And keep looking for His answers.

And on those days when you begin to wonder if God is really listening, remember this…

Sometimes His faithfulness is framed in crumbs.

And His grace is delivered in drizzles.

What are you praying for your children right now, dear friend? Leave a note in the comments and we’ll cry out to God together. 






  1. I pray for just one good friend for my 12 year old and 9 year old girl. My 12 year old is the “nice” kid who all the parents love. She is very kind, and polite, never wants anyone to feel excluded or have their feelings hurt. But because of that, she has also become friends to girls who are pretty selfish, self absorbed, and mean. She is friends with the”popular” kids, but apparently she doesn’t live in the right neighborhood to *be* one of the popular kids. She is in the habit of asking her friends if they had a good weekend. She is shocked at how rude kids are to the cafeteria ladies who serve them lunch–How few kids say “please” and “thank you” to them. She has really struggled to find *one* friend who she could talk to when she is down. She doesn’t have any Christian friends. This mostly goes for my 9 year too.(sigh) I don’t have any real friends either as a 40 – something year old woman. Since I’m the common denominator of past friendship that are no more, I’ll have to accept that there is something I need to “fix” about myself. I like spending time alone, reading and writing. But some times it’s nice to have someone call me and ask, ” hey, you wanna go to a chick-flick movie? Or, “you wanna just come hang out and chat for a while”? It gets lonely. After “looking” for friends through small groups and things like that and finding none, you start to wonder, “what is *wrong* with me?! So I pray for just one good girl friend for each of my girls, but if God wants to give them more I’d be ok with that too! : )

  2. Pray my children will come back to the The Lord and change their lifestyle to one that’s pleasing to God. That they will reconnect with forgiveness and compassion for each other – please help me pray for reconciliation in my family.
    Thank you and God bless

  3. The Word that anchors them on the Rock. Amen! That is my prayer too. Every day, every year. Lord, give them a hunger and thirst for You and Your word. Fill them, keep them.

    Love those encouraging kisses from the King along the way. 🙂
    God bless you Alicia!

  4. May my children have a love of you and Your Word that it ignites them to faithfully follow you. May it begin with me showing them how.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      AMEN!! Echoing that prayer RIGHT NOW with you and for you, Diane.

  5. I pray that both of my daughters would come to know Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Savior! I pray that they be able to see His love and care through me. That they would hear all of God’s promises and take them as their own. To believe and trust. To lead Godly lives. In all that they do as workers, friends and significant others. I keep saying to my self they left before I was finished teaching them. Now (as before) it is all in God’s hands.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      That’s a prayer God LOVES to answer, Donna. I’m praying for your girls, too.

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