Five Ways to Pray When You Don’t Know What To Say

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I hear her voice before I see her shape in the darkness.


There’s a tap on my bedroom door; the sound of footsteps shuffling across the floor.

My heart responds faster than my groggy mind and I will myself awake. I prop my elbows on a pillow and peer through my 2 A.M. haze at the teenager beside my bed.

“Mom,” she says again. This time the word is both a question and a request.

“I’m here,” I murmur as I toss off a cocoon of covers and follow her out of the room.

We linger on the couch in dim lamp light, her head on my shoulder, my hand holding hers.

Tonight my daughter doesn’t give voice to the anxiety that hijacks her sleep or the spinning thoughts that steal her peace. She doesn’t explain her swelling sadness or try to make me understand her exacerbating exhaustion.

The moonlight streaming through the window is quiet and so is she.

And as we linger together in the darkness, I realize this is a picture of prayer.

I used to think of prayer as a conversation wrapped in words.

It was a chance to share with Jesus my thoughts, my suggestions. An opportunity to bring Him my requests and praises and confessions.

Then a season of grief swallowed my words and hushed my hope. And prayer as I knew it no longer seemed to work.

So, like the aching teen at my bedroom door, I sought His presence with a wary whisper.

His name became my promise and my plea.

When I was too doubtful to trust, I spoke His name.

When I was too discouraged to dream, I spoke His name.

When I was too hurt to hope, I spoke His name.

When I was too tired to talk, I spoke His name.

Someday His name felt like a wobbly prayer in the dark; other days like a steady shelter for my heart.

But in that season of slow unraveling, His name was a thread that held.

It was my humble invitation and desperate demand.

A step towards His heart. A reach for His hand.

I whispered it through weary tears and sullen sighs.

I shouted it through angry wails and wordless cries.

I called on His name when I couldn’t name my needs.

And while my mood swung and my motives changed, His tender response was always the same:

**”I AM here.”

I’m still thinking about prayer when my daughter lifts her head and holds my gaze. “Thanks for being with me,” she says as she rubs her eyes and stares out the window at the star-dotted sky.

I give her hand a tender squeeze and plant a kiss on her weary head.

Then, I let my presence in the silence say what she needs to hear: “I love you.”

Dear friend, If you’re struggling to tell Jesus what’s on your heart, don’t stop seeking His. He loves you and He is with you. Here are five simple ways to turn His name into a prayer.

*Jesus, please come close. “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)

*Jesus, be my strength. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” (Psalm 105:4)

*Jesus, be my hope. “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” (Hebrews 6:19)

*Jesus hold me together. “He has always been! It is His hand that holds everything together.” (Colossians 1:17, The Voice)

*Jesus, help me trust you.Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5)

**One of our wise readers gave me this beautiful line! So I want to give credit where credit is due. Thank you, Martin K, for the poignant insight you shared with us in the comments! (Exodus 3:14)

For more encouragement on prayer, check out my devotion for Proverbs 31 Ministries called Praying With Your Feet. Or if you’re looking for a simple way to connect with Jesus, you might enjoy my digital devotional resource, Encounter.

Thanks for spending time with us today. Before you go, let us know in the comments how we can pray for you.



  1. This is just where I am right now, feeling overwhelmed to the point where I have had trouble finding the words to pray. I really needed your post today. Thank you so very much and I thank the Lord for you!

  2. Dear Alicia,
    I just loved your writing-so encouraging and insightful, especially because I have been struggling with a lot of guilt and loneliness…
    Also, your poetry was comforting, delightful and soothing for my soul!
    I too love to write poetry.
    Thank you for sharing your talent, your heart, and God-inspired words!

  3. This is just what I need. Thank you.

    1. So glad these words met you right where you’re at.

  4. Thank you for your words of hope and encouragement today. I’m dealing with some health struggles and it has left me feeling defeated, hopeless, anxious, and a burden to others. Sometimes I can’t find the words to pray to Jesus. Prayers appreciated to help me with my struggles.

    1. Erin, I’m so sorry you’re feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. Dear Jesus, you are both a Healer and a Comforter. So, boldly we ask you to heal Erin, to bring a resolution to her health struggles. Provide supernatural solutions where it appears there aren’t answers. Provide strength for Erin AND for those who are walking alongside her. And Jesus, we also ask that by the power of your Holy Spirit in Erin she would be comforted, sustained, and encouraged by your Presence. When she has no words to pray meet her anyway. Draw near to her, Jesus, and make her keenly aware of your presence. In Your name we pray, Amen.

  5. Beautiful words, touching moments, much wisdom. “I’m here” that is what we have to remember. There’s a message behind the words. Oh how tiny are the things that worry us in the presence/sight of God. He is Lord over all – and that name Jesus is the name above everything that has a name. He is faithful even when we are fearful, saying not only “I’m here” but also I AM is here. Thank you Alicia for this, loved reading it and those are great verses too.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Martin, I’m always delighted to “find” you here. And thanks for your thoughtful reply and meaningful insight. I AM here– yes! That is absolutely true and beautiful. I think I need to add your brilliant idea to this post. So, as I change the wording to I AM, the credit goes to you. What a beautiful, poetic, and stunning truth:)

  6. Please pray for my kids to get saved and please pray for me that my kidneys will stay functioning right

    1. Dear Jesus, you love Debra’s children even more than we can imagine as earthly parents. We boldly ask that you will awaken them to your pursuit of their hearts. Quicken their spirits and give them a hunger for MORE— more of YOU, more of the abundant life you promise. Put people in their paths who don’t just talk about the gospel but live it out in compelling ways. Give Debra perseverance to keep loving, encouraging, and praying for them, too. And, Jesus, sustain Debra’s kindneys and enable them to keep functioning properly. We ask this in your name, Amen.

  7. Your words are thought provoking and so good. I was just beginning to believe my prayers weren’t being heard. I needed every sentence. Thank you God for the gift of words you placed in Alicia. So encouraging. Praise God!🙏🏾💖🙏🏾

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Hannah, THANK YOU for letting me know you were encouraged by this message. I am praying that you will keep pressing into His presence, and I’m asking Jesus to reveal His with-ness to you in a tender and clear way in the days ahead.

  8. THIS!!!! One of the most poignantly honest writings that I have read… it cuts through all of the “shoulds”… the ones that have tried to take root! Heartfelt and practical encouragement when you can’t find the words to pray! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Thanks for your feedback, Kat. So grateful you took time to linger here with us today.

  9. This blessed me today. Thank you!

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Sheron, thanks for letting me know 🙂 Grateful you took time to read these words.

  10. Beautiful – thank you.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      You’re welcome. Thank you for lingering here to read my words. Praying they encouraged you.

  11. Received devastating news from a life-friend yest that has shook us to the core. Not knowing what/how to pray found your devotion today. Thank you for the encouragement and prayers. God always knows what we need and when. As you said He is already there and waiting for us to just show up.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Janette, I am so sorry about your devastating news. I am praying for you right now– asking God to meet you moment by moment with what you need, imploring the Holy Spirit to pray with you and for you in your grief.

  12. Ron Walker says:

    PTL !!! Thank you for your Encouraging words of Faith hope and Love !!! Very Timely !!! Brother Ron

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Thank YOU for taking time to read the words God gave me. Blessings to you, Brother Ron.

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