Family Faith and Fun On Fridays: Signs of Spring
Welcome to Family Faith and Fun Fridays! As the week winds down and I anticipate more family time over the weekend, I often ask God for one good idea that will enable me to bring the Word to life and bring our family together. Usually, the activity overflows out of something the Lord has been teaching me through HisWord during the week. I’d like to invite you to join me and my family in the adventure. Sometimes I’ll post things we’ve tried; other times I’ll post an idea in the works. If you’ve got thoughts to add or suggestions on how to adapt or improve the activity, please don’t hesitate to comment. Enjoy!
Signs of Spring
While tulips and parades, traditional costumes and dancing signify winter’s end in our little Dutch town, we welcome quieter signs of spring as well. Whispers of leaves on trees, dandelions dotting the lawn, birds rejoicing in the sunrise each morning all remind us that the frost is gone and nature’s frolic has begun!
We gathered later around the coffee table and shared our findings. Then I asked: “How do you really know God is growing Spring in our backyard?”
Everyone had a different answer, but each response pointed to the same conclusion: Our yard encapsulated undeniable evidence of Spring.
I opened my Bible and asked, “Did you know that if we are growing in Jesus our lives will be filled with certain signs of Him at work? (Kind of like the blossoms in our yard that remind us God is growing something back there?)”
I explained that by “fruit” Jesus meant qualities that our lives displayed, like kindness or anger, hatred or love. Then I asked my kids to brainstorm what kind of “fruit” they think would show that Jesus is at work in a person’s heart.
This is a great weekend to hunt for some signs of Spring wherever you are. Why not give your kids a notebook for drawing or a paper bag for collecting the evidence of this beautiful new season? Then take the “fruit” challenge from Galatians 5:22 and look for some proof of the Holy Spirit at work. My guess, is you’ll discover that Jesus is indeed growing a few blossoms of hope in your home!
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