Family Faith and Fun Fridays: Money Might Not Grow on Trees, but Gratitude Does!
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. -Hebrews 4:12
Welcome to Family Faith and Fun Fridays!
As the week winds down and I anticipate more family time over the weekend, I often ask God for one good idea that will enable me to bring the Word to life and bring our family together. Usually, the activity overflows out of something the Lord has been teaching me through the scriptures. Are you ready for some family fun? We’d love to have you join us as we seek to fan the flames of faith and let the Word of Christ have the run of our house!
The Thanksgiving Tree
It may not ooze a pine-fresh scent like the trees that will soon be sold on street corners and outside of our grocery stores, but our Thanksgiving tree tree emanates an inexplicable aroma of joy.
To assemble our Thanksgiving tree, I just cut up two brown paper grocery bags and sketch out a simple tree trunk with a few branches. (Believe me, I’m no artist, but I know that eventually the leaves will cover much of the tree anyway. So I don’t worry too much about getting the tree’s shape just right).
I hang the tree with masking tape on our wall and then I create some leaves.
I use a leaf template to print a variety of leaves on colored cardstock, and I have my kids cut out the paper foliage.
Lastly, I pile the leaves, some pens, and a roll of masking tape in a basket on our kitchen table and encourage my family to pause and praise several times throughout the day…
When the kids sit down for breakfast, I point them to the leaves.
When we cram around the table for dinner, we jot down prayers of thanks and hang them on the tree.
When friends stop by or guests gather, we invite them, also, to add a leaf to our budding branches.
And so, in time, our unadorned trunk becomes embellished with gratitude.
The purpose of our Thanksgiving Tree is to count the kindnesses of the Lord.
But the power of this homemade sapling always amazes me.
No matter how many years we create these humble paper trees, the kids still delight in making them bloom.
I can’t measure it or bottle it.
I can’t document it or prove it, but our Thanksgiving Tree really does sprout joy.
I think it’s because the more we count our blessings, the more we are reminded of the ONE who can be counted on.
The more we acknowledge our gifts, the more we clearly we see the Giver.
So we will continue to count and we will continue to watch our tree bloom with thanks.
And I wonder if just maybe, you’d like to do the same.
It’s not too late to grow a little gratitude right beneath your roof.
It’s not too late to grow a little gratitude right beneath your roof.
I will tell of the kindnesses of the deeds for which He is to be praised, according to all the Lord has done for us-yes, the many good things He has done…
–Isaiah 63:7
Don’t “leaf”yet! Could you take just a moment to pin a thanks to our tree? Tell me, what are you grateful for today?
What a great idea! I randomly found your website while searching for ideas for my sunday school bible study. I will definitely do this activity not only with my own kids at home but also with my sunday school kids (2nd graders) during the month of November.. Thanks for inspiring me with great ideas.
We did the garland for years, too! Love the idea of stringing it on a fireplace. We used to just string them across doorways- now my kids are so tall they get “clotheslined” if I do that 🙂 Giving thanks is just fun anyway we do it, isn’t it?
Fun tree 🙂 We write things we are thankful for and string them up to make a garland on the fireplace 🙂
Hooray! I was just thinking about climbing up into my attic to haul down the box where my old Advent devotional might be hiding…. I guess this year I can just watch my inbox 🙂
Great craft! I love the idea.
You won my giveaway for the Advent devotional. Send me your e.mail address and it will be on its way in time for Advent.