Family Faith and Fun Fridays: Christmas Movies at the Drive-In (in your basement)
For the word of God is alive
and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword,
cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow.
It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
-Hebrews 4:12
The Family Drive-In
Not long ago, my school-agers came home to a sign that invited them to visit a drive-in-movie theater… just down the staris. They traipsed to the basement where they were greeted by a sign that announced the afternoon feature: “Welcome to the Shooting Star Drive-in! Now playing; Karate Kid.” With giggles, they opened the basement door and peered into the transformed family room where Joshua jumped with excitement. Fun foam stars dangled from the ceiling, lawn chairs sat beneath the “night sky” and card-board-box cars with personalized license plates beckoned my little drivers to hop in and catch a show. A bell-hop (that’s me!) moved from car to car and took snack orders. Popcorn, soda pop and sweet strings of licorice were distributed as the movie began. A tiny touch of creativity had transformed a not-so-unusual activity into an out-of-the-ordinary afternoon of fun.
Lately, Joshua and Maggie have been pulling out their cars and savoring some of our favorite Christmas movies: Frosty the Snowman, That mean old Grinch, and The Legend of the Candy Cane. This weekend, why not re-infuse the old holiday flicks with a new touch of fun? Find a Christmas special on T.V., borrow a classic from the library or stop by a Red Box. Then, grab a few cardboard boxes, some paper plates for wheels, and let the kids design their own personalized drive-in-movie seat. You may be amazed at the transformation a cardboard box can undergo with the help of a few paints, markers, stickers or fun foam. (I borrowed this awesome idea from my dear friend Sherri. Check out more of her inspiring ideas for advent at
If you want to dive deeper with your kids, consider asking these questions when your movie night is through…
2. If you could be a real character in the very first Nativity story, whom would you like to be and why?
3. When the angels in Heaven watched the “real Christmas story” unfold, what might they have been thinking? What do you suppose God was doing/thinking as His son was making His “earthly debut?”
4. If someone made a movie of our family’s life this year, what “scene” would you most like to watch again?
Cute idea! We have an enormous (sp?) box in our basement right now that could be a “mini van” for the drive in!!!!