Are you longing to spend time with God?
Get up close and personal with Jesus through this new 31-day devotional by Alicia Bruxvoort. Download and print it today!
Where Is God When You Need Him?
Have you ever met someone who doesn’t just talk about Jesus, but seems to truly know Him, too? Someone who has a joy that doesn’t make sense in the whirl and twirl of life?
What if you could have that joy?
Or maybe you’ve known Jesus for a long time, but lately, faith feels more like a duty than a delight. What if you could go from merely managing your faith to marveling in it again; from serving God to savoring Him?
Encounter is an invitation to enjoy Jesus right where you are. It’s a resource to help you stop longing for more and start reaching for it.
Introducing Encounter: a 31-Day Devotional
Discover the depths of God’s love in this 31-day experience by Proverbs 31 devotional author Alicia Bruxvoort. Each devotion is designed to help you connect with Him intentionally and intimately. Friend-to-friend stories, relevant discussion questions, and bite-size Scripture will help you enjoy Jesus right where you are, while creative activities will equip you to align action steps with your faith. Each daily experience contains the following benefits:
A short yet meaningful devotion to help slow your racing thoughts and focus your attention on Jesus
Suggested Bible passages to help you engage more personally with Jesus and dig deeper into His Word
Questions or prompts to help you process, personalize, and apply the truth of God's Word
A creative activity for responding to and delighting in what Jesus is teaching you
Hi, I'm Alicia
I am a storyteller and a hope dweller, an encourager and a friend. I’m the wife of that cute boy who sat behind me in fifth grade and mom to 5 pretty fabulous humans. I love words and whimsy, walks in the woods and sunsets at the beach. I like my coffee hot and my conversations deep. I believe in a God who sees us as we are and loves us anyway, a Savior who died to set us free, and a Holy Spirit who delights in sharing our steps.
I believe we’re all longing for something more… and we can only fulfill that longing in Jesus. The good news is this—we don’t have to look far to find Him. We can spot Him in the simple moments of our ordinary days—in the spilled milk on the floor and the spilled tears on our pillows, in the aches of our laments and the quakes of our laughter. But sometimes we just need a little help to see Him.
That’s why I’m here. I want to help you see Jesus more clearly and know Him more intimately. I want to help you recognize His presence right where you are so you can walk with hope wherever you go.
Places Where My Work Has Been Featured
Frequently Asked Questions
Encounter is a digital devotional. When you purchase, you’ll receive an email containing a link to download the devotional in PDF format. You can either print it or read it on a digital device (desktop computer or mobile phone/tablet).
Encounter is not available as a paper copy. It is digital only. When you purchase, you’ll receive a link to download the PDF. Then you’re welcome to print it yourself if you want to read a paper version.
Each purchase is good for one downloadable copy of Encounter. Please do not share it with others. If you’d like to purchase multiple copies for a group, please contact Alicia at overflow@aliciabruxvoort.net for a multi-use license.