upside down


What do you get when a word-weaving mama is dangling on the edge of craziness… stirring soup, practicing spelling words, running around the house looking for ballet shoes and trying to save a half-written blog post?

You get a mixed up mess!

I’m afraid that an incomplete blog post made it to your inbox this afternoon.

I’m sorry.

I know your time’s valuable and you weren’t expecting to stop by The Overflow and leave empty handed.

I hope you’ll come back tomorrow for that dose of encouragement and inspiration you expect to find on these pages.

I promise I’ll finish that UPSIDE DOWN tale when my kids are tucked in bed.

And as you leave, maybe you’ll find comfort in knowing that you’re not the only mom who some days just  hangs by a thread in the middle of her mess!

Oh, and if you happen to have an extra size-9 ballet shoe lying around your house, let me know. The one that lives at our house decided to run away!

Blessings from my blissful chaos to yours–




  1. Many of your posts have left my heart touched, inspired me or encouraged me – this one just made me smile : )

  2. Have to say this is the best thing I read all day!! Appreciated the intro that came to my inbox, but also needed the honest reminder that I found here!! We had some lost swimming googles today as we left for lessons!! Crazy how things just grow legs!! Asking God to bless your evening.

    1. Alicia Bruxvoort says:

      Thanks,Jill! Your comment reminds me it’s okay to be REAL:) Maybe your swimming goggles ran away with our ballet shoes.

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