The Overflow! Different Gifts, Equal Importance


For those of you who have just dropped by, I’m digging for treasure in God’s Word this month. Matthew 6:33 promises, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” I believe “all these things” includes the treasures I’m seeking in the diaper pail –the jewels of joy, nuggets of wisdom and pearls of peace–but before I seek the gems, I must seek the Giver of good gifts (James 1:17). I’d be honored if you’d join me!

The Overflow! Different gifts, Equal importance
Today’s Treasure:  Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-22

“Sacred parenting teaches us to be active, to initiate, to leave behind a rich spiritual inheritance…Don’t fret over what you can’t give them; if you’re truly faithful to pass on what you do have, you’ll run out of time before you run out of wisdom.” 
                                                               -Gary Thomas, Devotions for Sacred Parenting

When we take time to soak daily in God’s word, we unearth priceless treasure that begs to be shared. If you want to pass a few nuggets of truth to your children this week, try this OVERFLOW activity. I’m praying that it will be just one small jewel in the treasure chest of your family’s spiritual inheritance. Blessings as you celebrate your children’s unique gifts.

Objective: To celebrate our different, but equally valuable roles in the body of Christ.

Materials: A ball point pen (the clicking type). Paper and a Bible

I found this creative lesson at Thanks to Craig who shared this idea with me through the website. 

Preparation:   Before family night begins, take the ballpoint pen apart and remove the “spring” and then put the pen back together without the spring. Keep the spring handy, where you can find it easily.

The Lesson: Hold up the ballpoint pen and ask your children what it is. What is this pen used for? What do you think the most important part of the pen is? Many of us think that “ink” is the most important part, because that’s what does the writing. Let’s see how useful this ballpoint pen is. Let each child attempt to write with the pen on paper. Conclude that something is broken. Take the pen back. The reason the pen is not working properly is that it is missing a part. It may seem like an insignificant part, but the pen cannot work without it. It is the spring! Look, I have it here in my pocket.

Insert the spring back into the pen, and let your children confirm that it is now working properly.

Explain: This kind of pen needs all of its parts to work properly. Some parts may seem important, like the ink, while others may seem unimportant, like the spring, but if any of the pieces are missing the pen will not work. In God’s eyes, all Christians are important. Everyone has a purpose. Some people may seem more important, but God has created each of us with a specific job to do for Him. If we don’t use our unique gifts like god has planned us to, His Church just will function. (Remind your kids that the church is God’s people, not a building!)

The Bible compares God’s people to a body. Just like our body has many parts- feet, eyes, hands- so the church is made up of many people. And just like our body parts are all different, so are all the people in God’s church

Digging for Treasure in God’s Word:  Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-22

Summary:  We all have different gifts- that’s what makes us unique- but each gift is important to Jesus. And we all need to use our gifts if the church is going to work properly, just like that pen needed the spring to do it’s job.There are different kinds of gifts. But they are all given by the same Spirit.” I Corinthians 12:4

Talk about it:   Ask your children, What kinds of gifts do you think God gave you to use for His glory? What can you do to keep Jesus’ church working properly?

Pray: Together, ask God to show you how to use your unique gifts for Him!


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