Multitudes on Mondays: Why I’m Ringing the Dinner Bell Today

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One of my favorite stories told by Emily Dickinson is a true tale about her father and the local fire bell…
Dickinson tells of a time when her father excused himself from the dinner table and raced outside to ring the village fire bell. 
 As the clanks echoed above the rooftops, the people of the village came running out of their homes, hugging napkins and silverware. 
Where’s the fire? Where’s the fire? Everyone wanted to know.
Emily’s father gazed at the eyes of those he knew well and announced there was no fire. Just a beautiful sunset that he didn’t want anyone to miss. 
I scribbled gift number 1000 in my dog-earred notebook this morning and I thought about crazy old Mr. Dickinson. I smiled as I pictured him racing for that clanging bell.  And as I paged through my chicken-scratched list of gifts piled one upon another, I sympathized with the old man’s longing to point out the sky ablaze with wonder. Because I felt like ringing the fire bell, too!
The birds beyond my window were singing up the sun and my handful of children were still entertaining dreams, so I lingered with my warm cup of coffee and read through a year’s worth of scribbles…
Praises for lost teeth and new blades of grass… 
For tears that have been dried 
and the sound of my baby’s laughter…
For long walks in crunchy leaves 
and shortened bouts with the stomach flu…
The beautiful and the ugly all melting together 
into brilliant streams of grace.
 I wanted to pull my little ones out of bed and celebrate His faithfulness.  I once was blind but now I see.
I see it now, in this little list, the way the Son paints glory across the skies of our ordinary days. 
Earth’s crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God, 
But only he who sees takes off his shoes; 
The rest sit round and pluck blackberries. 
                                -Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Today, I am taking off my shoes and admiring the flames.
Today, I am thanking God for my first 1000 gifts and begging Him to open my eyes to 1000 more

Won’t you join me?


The Overflow: Thank God! Call out his Name! 

  Sing to him! Play songs for him!
 Tell the whole world who he is 
 and what he’s done!
  Broadcast all his wonders!
  Revel in his holy Name, 

  God-seekers, be jubilant! 
          –1 chronicles 16:8-9

Ringing the bell for…

996. My 13-year-old son calling me back into his bedroom late at night. “Mom, I forgot to tell you something….I love you.”

997. Mini-man leading the little ones in a butterfly hunt in the backyard. Nets capturing jet black wings dotted with orange.

998. A morning duet- birds singing up the sun and the hum of the furnace warming the cold house.

999. A noisy game of family baseball in the front yard. Bigs taking it easy on littles. More laughter than tears. Happy home runs!

1000. My peeling-leather-bound, dog-earred Bible waiting for me by the window in the quiet of dawn. He is here. 

Linking with these beautiful grace seekers today…ann for 1000 gifts, l.l. for on, in, and around mondayslaura for playdates with god and jen for soli deo gloria 




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  2. What a great story about Mr. Dickinson. And I love, love that quote by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. I’m taking off my shoes and admiring with you, friend.
    I love that you have 1000’s of pages and journals of hand-written pages– you are a woman after my own heart.

  3. oh, loved that he rang the fire bell for them to see the sunset. congratulations on getting to 1,000. sweet list. im sure you are a little like i think i will be when i get there–at first i was striving for 1,000–you know the dare–now its just a number lost in the midst of so many lessons learned and the deep well of grace im learning to pull from daily. blessings to you as we continue to count together. thank you so much for your words at my place yesterday! love to you.

  4. Whoot whoot on that 1000! Such a blessing. great presentation of your blessings!

  5. Yes, 1000 and beyond! Hope I die counting still. In fact, my children may need to bury me old and gray with all those notebooks tucked beside me! On second thought… I’d rather have them passed on to my grand children and great grandchildren.. testimony of His faithfulness!

  6. Oh, I love that story! Just taking time to recognize what is beautiful. Hooray for reaching 1000 gifts!!! Now beyond!

  7. Meredith,

    I’m so old fashioned! Can’t resist the feel of paper in my hands. Hope some day my kids page through my 1000s of journals and get glimpses of who I was.

  8. What a wonderful story! I want to be like Mr. Dickinson too!!

    And congratulations on making it to 1000!! That is so awesome– and that notebook- what a treasure.

    I have don all of my counting online, but I think that sometimes that tactile experience of finger turning page and seeing the gifts written in your own hand must be so . . . incredibly special!!

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