Family Faith and Fun Fridays: Eat My Words!

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For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. 
-Hebrews 4:12
Welcome to Family Faith and Fun Fridays! As the week winds down and I anticipate more family time over the weekend, I often ask God for one good idea that will enable me to bring the Word to life and bring our family together. Usually, the activity overflows out of something the Lord has been teaching me through His Word during the week. I’d like to invite you to join me and my family in the adventure. Sometimes I’ll post things we’ve tried; other times I’ll post an idea in the works. If you’ve got thoughts to add or suggestions on how to adapt or improve the activity, please don’t hesitate to comment. Enjoy!

Last week, I challenged my Bible Study girls (and myself) to use some of their extra time this summer to focus on memorizing God’s Word. We used the story of Ezekiel to launch our study and then we considered just why God might ask His children to EAT MY WORDS!

Here’s the lesson I wrote for the girls to explore this idea together…

Munching on Manna 
(an invitation to nourish your soul!)
Today’s Main Idea: God’s Word is the soul food we need to grow up in Him
Dazzling Thoughts 
*God’s word is our manna (see Exodus 16:31)
*The Word fills our deepest hunger and gives us fresh energy (Hebrews 4:12)
Treasures in the Word
Read Ezekiel 3:1-4
*There was another time in Scripture when God asked His people to eat something unusual. Look at Exodus 16:31. What was it? How did it taste? 
*How could a story like this apply to us today? 
What do we need to do with God’s Word? (Chew on it! Think about it. Meditate on it. Get it INSIDE of us!)
*Read Dt 8:3 How often did God provide manna?
*Why? Read Ps 78:24 and 105:40 

 *How do you know when you’re hungry? (Tummy growling, headache, feeling sick)
*Now consider this- We have spiritual appetites just like physical appetites. It’s wise to learn to recognize the signs that you are spiritual hungry. 

What could some of your spiritual-hunger-signs be? Make your own list. (Some of my signs are- I get irritable, crabby, I am ungrateful, and the smallest things drive me crazy.  I also tend to see life as a glass half empty when I’m spiritually hungry.)
*What would happen to your body  if you chose not to eat daily? 
*What might happen to your soul if you choose not to partake of God’s Word daily? 

*Consider the manna story again- if God’s Word is our manna today, how often should we feast on His word?
*As new testament Christians, we have a different kind of manna. (See John 6:34-35) Who did Jesus say He is? What does that mean for us? 
*What is God’s invitation in Psalm 34:8? How do we “taste and see?”

*What kind of plan do you have for nourishing your soul this summer? Choose someone to hold you accountable!

After the girls established a summer plan for scripture memorization, we made Word bowls for holding the Bible verses they would choose to learn. The idea is that the girls will write the verse they are memorizing on a notecard and place it in the bowl. Once they’ve memorized that verse, they’ll add another. Hopefully, by summer’s end, they’ll have a bowl-full of soul food!

Making the bowls was simple. Here’s what we did:

1.  I bought a pack of plastic bowls from the Dollar Tree (I’ve seen these bowls at WalMart and Target for $1 as well)

2. The girls cut words out of magazines that described themselves.

3.  They covered their bowls with a layer of Modge Podge, stuck the words on the bowls, and then painted a second layer of Modge Podge over the words to seal them.

The results were adorable! Hopefully the words inside those bowls will strengthen my girls’ souls in immeasurable ways in the sunny summer days ahead.

How about you, friends? What are you doing to ward off spiritual hunger? Maybe this weekend is the perfect time for making your own Word bowl and devising a plan for EATING GOD’s WORDS!



  1. Hi Alicia – eat His words indeed – absolutely. My hunger for God’s word is growing and to eat His words can only benefit me and those around me as God changes me to His will. Great post
    God bless
    ps: I’m following

  2. Great encouragement! I love the “munchin’ on manna.” You’re right we must have God’s Word hidden in our heart!

  3. Janelle @ A Story of Grace says:

    Oh, I love this!


  4. Sherri,

    I think that being just like you will work out wonderfully! Since God’s Word is active and alive, He’ll do all the hard work:) Can’t wait to hear about the fun Brooke has with this new adventure.

  5. Absolutely brilliant! Brooke wants to do a bible study with a group of girls from here! I’m so nervous! I need to be like Alicia!

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