Come to the Edge

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I took my little ones to a local spot we call “the Cliffs” this morning. We hiked down a mud-sloshed trail until sunshine broke through the dense tree cover and beckoned us into the light. There, ancient shelves of rainbow-hued rock jutted bravely over deep blue waters. 
Hannah’s eyes brightened at the majestic sight and she immediately planted herself near the flat stone’s edge. She flung her face to the sun and soaked up the steamy warmth. 
Meanwhile, Joshua huddled beneath the trees. 
“Come on, Bubba,” Hannah urged her brother.  She patted the rock beside her and motioned for Josh to sit. “The view is AMAZING from here!” 
My youngest son shook his head and took a step backwards.
Hannah shrugged her shoulders and inched closer to the cliff’s edge. She lowered her slight body near the water and swayed unconsciously to the rhythm of the waves. 
“Joshie,” she pleaded as the crashing waters sprayed her with cool wet kisses. “Just come sit by me. It’s like when I splash you at the swimming pool… only better!”
Josh looked longingly at the cool drips of lake water splattered across Hannah’s t-shirt, but my green-eyed child remained firmly planted in place. 
Hannah flashed me a smile and began to untie her shoes. Soon, she was dangling her feet over the ledge and dipping her toes in the cool lake water just below.  The rumble of the waves seemed to seep through her feet and bubble out of her mouth in songs of  laughter. I clapped my hands with glee and laughed along. Her joy was irresistible. 
Josh stared at his muddy dry tennis shoes and turned back toward the hiking trail. “Let’s GO now,” he grumbled with a stomp of his dry feet. “This is BORING!”
I looked from one child to another and saw myself in both. But today, I prayed to be a ledge-lover like my daughter.
“Come,” Jesus has often pleaded, “Come to the edge with me and behold the waters of life.”
And like my cautious son, I’ve stay put. I’ve left on my shoes and planted my feet safely in the mud.  I’ve watched as people I know throw their faces to the Son and splash shamelessly in His joy, and I’ve convinced myself that it’s too risky. 
 The precipice might be slippery.
 The water is unpredictable.
 My footing might fail.
But today I asked my Savior, the One who walks on water, to grant me courage to take off my shoes and join Him at the edge. Because I don’t want to miss the chance to stand on Holy Ground. And, quite honestly, life in the mud is just plain boring!  
“Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” Exodus 3:5


  1. As the girls gathered for Bible study yesterday, we were thinking of women who were “radiant’ with the Lord’s beauty and immediately YOUR name came up, friend. Thanks for sharing your girls with yesterday.. what a treat for the sister duo!

  2. I want to go to this cliff! Better yet I want to take my kids! I love how you apply the LORD to every aspect of your life…not just in your writing…but in life! I see Christ radiate through your kids as well!

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